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My LHBS guys are the best!

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:41 am
by FedoraDave
Yesterday gave me just one more reason to love my LHBS and keep going there.

I have to drive about 45 minutes (and that's highway driving - 65 mph!) to get to my LHBS, but they're well-stocked, they're knowledgable, they're very helpful, and they usually give me something to smile about.

Yesterday I got there right as they opened, so I was the only one in the store. Joe, the owner, and two other employees were there, and they were joking with one of the guys about how he's always losing pens. Similar ball-busting to what we do in these forums. But anyway, he writes down my grain order, and starts filling it. Well, he starts filling 2/3 of it. I was looking ahead at my work schedule, and decided to buy supplies for my next three batches, so I needed three bags of grains. The other employee took the final third of my order.

Well, he didn't realize I didn't want my grains milled, so he started doing it, and by the time anyone else realized what he was doing, it was too late. Well, no big deal to me; I'll just keep the milled grains in a sealed bag for a couple of weeks, I don't care, and I certainly don't want my LHBS to have to eat the cost of it over something like that.

But then Joe started acting like it was a disaster. "That does it! First the pens, now this! I'm outta here! I quit! Burn this place down!"

These are guys I'd like to share a few homebrews with after hours. These are definitely guys I'll continue to shop. They amuse me, yeah, but they're making me a better brewer, too. Fresher grains, the proper equipment when I need to replace anything, good advice when I have a question.... This is what your LHBS is supposed to be.

Re: My LHBS guys are the best!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:36 pm
by Brewbirds
We stopped by the one here on our first (house hunting) trip and have high hopes for the same kind of environment.

We chatted with the guy in charge of the brewing section (its actually a hydroponics gardening store with brew supplies on the side) and he is very knowledgeable and friendly.

It is a small space but he has managed to stock it thoroughly as we found out by asking if he had a bunch of different items to which he answered in the affirmative. :banana: :banana:

Should be spending a few bucks there in the next week or so. :jumpy:

Re: My LHBS guys are the best!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:33 pm
by FedoraDave
I would think having a good LHBS would be Priority #1 when house-hunting.

Re: My LHBS guys are the best!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:54 pm
by joechianti
We used to have an amazing staff of people at our LHBS, super knowledgeable and super friendly, easygoing fellows, pretty much all with beards, so you know they knew their stuff. But for some reason which I can't figure out, after being there for years, they've all been leaving one by one, in a short period of time. I hate change, but I hope the new wave of staff there is half as good as the ones that left.

Re: My LHBS guys are the best!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:55 pm
by alb
I wasn’t a brewer when I bought my house. (Well, I must have always had it in me, but I had never acted on it.) But much to my delight, I find myself living 5 miles from the only LHBS in the area, and 2 miles from the only welding supply in town, where I get my CO2. It was meant to be. I can never move.

Re: My LHBS guys are the best!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:51 am
by zorak1066
my lhbs: almost never has a clearance sale... tries to sell expired liquid yeast at what they consider a 'markdown', $3.50 instead of $7. their grain selection is woefully inadequate (ie no coffee malt)... but it's all there is for miles and miles. the guys are nice enough but it seems like they cater more to wine makers than brewers.

Re: My LHBS guys are the best!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:30 am
by FedoraDave
zorak1066 wrote:my lhbs: almost never has a clearance sale... tries to sell expired liquid yeast at what they consider a 'markdown', $3.50 instead of $7. their grain selection is woefully inadequate (ie no coffee malt)... but it's all there is for miles and miles. the guys are nice enough but it seems like they cater more to wine makers than brewers.
My other LHBS was like that. They definitely catered to wine makers and sort of had the brewing stuff on hand, but didn't cover all the bases very well; no bulk grain; often older, unrotated stuff; running out of pretty standard ingredients (how the hell do you justify not having Hallertau?). My current LHBS takes me longer to get there, but they really focus on the brewing and have some wine stuff available. It's definitely worth the extra drive time.

Re: My LHBS guys are the best!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:31 am
by FedoraDave
alb wrote:I wasn’t a brewer when I bought my house. (Well, I must have always had it in me, but I had never acted on it.) But much to my delight, I find myself living 5 miles from the only LHBS in the area, and 2 miles from the only welding supply in town, where I get my CO2. It was meant to be. I can never move.
I wasn't a brewer when we bought our house, either. We chose the location because of the schools. Can you believe it? Stupid me.

Re: My LHBS guys are the best!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:17 am
by JohnSant
My LHBS owner is a big fan of beer and wine, she is one of the founders of our brew club and is active in creating kits for her store a real nice lady. She and her staff are real helpful. She has a big store and half is wine and the other half is beer, its always clean and well organized. I enjoy going there and spending time and money. I must say its is about 20 miles away and the street I go down is a pain to travel due to traffic.