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Rentals DOH!!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:10 pm
by Brewbirds
BB2 and I haven't been tenants for decades so we are off balance right now. Got to page 3 of the Brewhouse in catching up but have to run out for pizza because the dishwasher doesn't work and dishes are piling up everywhere until the appliance guy shows up.

DOH!! Back to fast food for a while and back on here later. :cheers:

this should have been in the no post thread huh?

Re: Rentals DOH!!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:12 pm
by Beer-lord
No need for pizza, just use paper plates. :jumpy:

Re: Rentals DOH!!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:55 pm
by Brewbirds
Yeah but just got back with a Sal's White pie and we had the excuse to spend the money--read white pie freaks on a budget so any excuse will do.
Okay I admit that I'm a little giddie\wobbly (sp?) after the trip so begging tolerance for a while as we adjust and I get back to posting with a brain in my head.
See how I opened that up for RB to grab and go. :p :p

White Pie > eat> tired> goodnight :)

Re: Rentals DOH!!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:58 pm
by zorak1066
left hand + right hand + soap + water -> dishwasher.

think of it... with a dishwasher you have to rinse the plates unless you don't mind dried food residue baking on your so called clean dishes. that's half of washing them right there. then unless you eat enough in one sitting to fill the dishwasher, the stuff sits for days... dirty. add to it the electric cost of running the machine....

no thanks.