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Kegapalooza - Mr. Beer LBK with CAL and carb drops - $8.98

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:35 pm
by RickBeer
Last week we were out and drove right past a Target (not local) and I never thought to check. This week I had called my 2 local Targets and both had said they didn't have them :( Today we were headed to the next county and driving right by a Target so I checked with them yesterday and they said they had 3, but I could not hold them. :(

Today I stopped and found one :) , and they looked on their handheld and said that was it. I asked about other store's inventory and she told me that both of my stores should have them... On the way home I went into one of them there we none in the Kitchen clearance endcap. :( I asked an employee and she said "I saw them this morning, follow me". They were no where near Kitchen, at the end of an aisle (not on the endcap) on a top shelf. Four of them. :)

For fun I stopped at the last Target (also still on our way home, but SWMBO was not amused) and spent 15 minutes chasing throughout the store with no luck, despite 2 employees helping.


- $8.98 each. This is the keg, a can of CAL (skinny), and carb drops. No bottles. Also, the packaging is not at all like the normal packaging, these were made for Target. Keg has a cardboard sleeve over part of it. Says "Beer Barrel" and "Mr. Beer" is in the top corner. When I called to ask about them, one person said "we have a Beer Barrel, but no Mr. Beer".

- Target sku is 070052722. Comes up as Brew Set. You cannot look it up online.

- The store's inventory is crappy. Once it goes on Clearance it's no longer in a physical aisle, so it says "Stockroom N/A, Aisle N/A". Basically it's in the Clearance endcaps in some stores, other stores it's wherever. One store said it had 6, they had 4. One said 2, they had 1. One said 4, they had zero.

- They are about to, if they have not already, "dispose" of them with their other unsold inventory. So if you want one or more, go after them now.

I now have Kegapalooza. I had two, now I have seven. :lol:
