Columbus Brewing Creeper - 2014 IIPA Gold Medal

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Columbus Brewing Creeper - 2014 IIPA Gold Medal

Post by BlackDuck »

Wow....this is really good. I can see why it won. It might be the most balanced IIPA that I've ever had. It had everything an IIPA should have:
The aroma was mostly dank and piney, the flavor was both of those with a touch of citrus. It's ABV was a touch above 10%. There was a little bit of malty sweetness to it, not a lot, but it was there. Even though it had all of those going on, not one of them overpowered another. If I had to sum this up in one word, it would be BALANCED. It was really good. And well worth the 30 minute trip to go get it.
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Re: Columbus Brewing Creeper - 2014 IIPA Gold Medal

Post by Beer-lord »

Wow, 10%! Was that over the top? Any heat? These type of IIPA's are hard to do very well. Usually, something takes over but it seems like there is a reason for those awards.
I am envious.
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Re: Columbus Brewing Creeper - 2014 IIPA Gold Medal

Post by Kealia »

So....better than Pliny?
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Re: Columbus Brewing Creeper - 2014 IIPA Gold Medal

Post by Inkleg »

Kealia wrote:So....better than Pliny?
^^This^^ and it sounds delicious. Possible they might touch base with the recipe? Wait, are you sure it's the beer and not the glass. :lol:
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Re: Columbus Brewing Creeper - 2014 IIPA Gold Medal

Post by BlackDuck »

The 10% was not over the top...You couldn't even tell it was that high, no heat whatsover.

It has been a while since I had Pliny. I was trying to remember what that was like to do a comparison, but it's just been too long. So I really can't say which is better. All I know is that the Creeper was righteous.
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Re: Columbus Brewing Creeper - 2014 IIPA Gold Medal

Post by Kealia »

BlackDuck wrote:All I know is that the Creeper was righteous.
Dude, that comment was perfect. I just love the way that sounds.

Rock on!

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