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Basic Brewing Radio

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 8:17 pm
by LouieMacGoo
I know that this podcast has been mentioned here before but I've been listening to it quite a bit lately and I really enjoying the content. I just listened to a couple of episodes that revolved around water. One as about Michigan Spring water where they brewed 4 beers using the same exact recipe but 4 different water sources from around Michigan and how different the beer was as a result. The other episode was about using the spring water in Hot Springs, Arkansas. I've never put much thought into the water I use but these 2 podcast episodes really shed some light on how much the water can affect the final product.

The other episodes I've listened too have been very good as well and very informative. the "Joy of Brewing" really comes through in this podcast and I highly recommend listening if you haven't already


Re: Basic Brewing Radio

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 8:24 pm
by Dawg LB Steve
Been thinking about water lately, since I do starters now and use pure oxygen before pitching, this is probably the next logical step in the progression.

Re: Basic Brewing Radio

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 8:38 pm
by Beer-lord
I've listened to it for years. Just finished the one about the 30 minute boils tonite.
If anyone has read my recent posts, I've really become very interested in water and am still waiting for my water test to come back (which is 2 days late).
I second the recommendation of this podcast.

Re: Basic Brewing Radio

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:13 am
by BlackDuck
Beer-lord just told me about this podcast the other day. The 30 minute boil one was of interest to me since my Fruit Salad Session IPA employed a 30 minute boil. That podcast ahd a guy on it that went by the name brulosopher. I would recommend checking his website out too. He has some pretty neet stuff on there.

I'm glad he let me in on this one. I've subscribed and downloaded a couple of episodes. They do seem very informative. Thanks Beer-lord!!

Re: Basic Brewing Radio

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:29 am
by LouieMacGoo
@BlackDuck , I listened to that one too and found it interesting too. Burlosopher has some very interesting experiments and I found it interesting how the blind "triad" testing of the beer affected the person's preseption of the beer. Right now I'm listening to the Brewing Disasters episode. Very funny.

Re: Basic Brewing Radio

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:34 am
by BlackDuck
I don't think I downloaded that one yet.

Re: Basic Brewing Radio

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:46 am
by LouieMacGoo
BlackDuck wrote:I don't think I downloaded that one yet.
it was the same episode, there were 2 tests one for the 30 minute taste test the other for color and clarity using Irish Moss/finings.

Re: Basic Brewing Radio

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:51 am
by BlackDuck
Yea...I go that one. I meant that I hadn't downloaded the one on brewing disasters yet. But I just did. Along with about 6 others.

Re: Basic Brewing Radio

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:49 am
by Beer-lord
I don't have time to listen to to many podcasts but I don't miss James' weekly podcasts. His friend Steve is funny though they can get corny sometimes. I also subscribe to their youtube channel where they put out videos about once a month or so. They keep it pretty simple.
I've emailed James a few times, ordered a few things from his site and he's very nice and interested in what the listeners have for suggestions. I've given him a few but so far, they've not been covered yet though some touch on some of what I suggested.
Another pretty good podcasts is Jamil's Brewing Network. I think it's on every 2 weeks or so. I've learned some great ideas from both. They recently had a great discussion on PH in beer that I learned a lot about.

Re: Basic Brewing Radio

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:49 am
by LouieMacGoo
Beer-lord wrote:Another pretty good podcasts is Jamil's Brewing Network. I think it's on every 2 weeks or so. I've learned some great ideas from both. They recently had a great discussion on PH in beer that I learned a lot about.
That podcast does have some good information but I stopped listening to it when my daughter walked into the garage while I was listening and brewing and they were talking about their sponsor that sells sex toys. Talk about uncomfortable. Then having my wife ask me later what I was listening to! Not worth the trouble. At least with Basic Brewing there isn't anything that racing and it's pretty much family friendly.

Re: Basic Brewing Radio

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:05 am
by Beer-lord
There is that to think about......I usually listen at the gym with earbuds.

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