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Any web developers?
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:45 pm
by Beer-lord
To keep this short since its not about beer, I may (not sure yet but can explain) be looking for someone to create a new web site for my company. So, if you do this sort of thing AND, are familiar with Magento (since I already paid for it and have a hosting company ready), send me a PM and I can give you the details and then, depending on things too long to discuss, we might do bidniss.
Thanks in advance for the rest of you lot reading this and passing on it.
Re: Any web developers?
Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 4:11 pm
by RickBeer
Are you looking for a web designer, to design a website for you, or a web developer to code the site (who may have little to no design skills)? Or both? I would think both, but you know your needs better (I am neither, I just know ecommerce platforms and such). Personally, most developers I know have zero artistic ability, and few designers have any ability to code. I know someone who can straddle the line, but I believe he's 100% employed (i.e. for a company, not with clients) now.
Re: Any web developers?
Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 4:16 pm
by Beer-lord
Basically, a simple web designer who can set me up with an updated website that I can tweak and change on a regular basis myself. I may be ok with who I have now but maybe not and he now informs me he's learning Magento as he goes.......something that was not disclosed to me when we hired him. Good news...I've paid him nothing yet.