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Life is Perspective

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 11:20 pm
by D_Rabbit
Pardon the spelling errors, I type best after a few beers:)

I have known quite a few of you guys since early 2010. I started brewing 12/31/2009. I have learned a ton from you all and I hope I have contributed to you all as well. I am 32 now. My life experiences have added a ton to my perspective over the years. Throughout my adult life I have always tried to pinpoint my purpose in life. That is a difficult thing to do for anyone. I have always enjoyed coaching. I have been average in talent my entire life but always obtain more knowledge than my body can produce in ability. I embrace the notion of "those who can't do....teach"

My wife has asked me over the last several years," what do you want to do when you grow up?" For most people my age that question has already been answered. But for me I still struggle with it. I have done multiple things, jobs and careers, but always feel like I'm missing the train. I think I figured out recently what I really enjoy doing!!

My beer club recently had a position open as an educational person. Basically the person who I was replacing was in charge of putting together a presentation each month of something new in regards to brewing or beer. I was partially forced in to the position. I was new to the club and was always talking with the prior position holder and he told me he was leaving and thought I would be great due to my knowledge. I thought he was crazy. After all, I had made 100-150 gallons of beer over a 5 year stretch. How can I have something to offer to guys how make that much in 1 year alone?

Tonight was my answer! It was my second presentation. My first was on yeast harvesting. I have learned to embrace and love power point and have taught myself how to use it. This presentation, May 13th, was in regards to grains. I brought 6 types of grains to sample, by tasting, and offered a description of how to sample them, SMaSH recipes, grain teas, or chewing them and a brief description on what they offer flavor wise. My main premise was to know what you are adding to your beers by trying them and not just reading what they offer. I had an extract brewer come up to me and ask if he can take some grains home to try a grain tea and another AG BREWER approach me and tell me it was a great presentation and offered a lot to AG Brewers as well as newer Brewers. I was really happy about the results.

It has taking me quite a while to figure out but I have finally done it. I love to teach. It May not be K-12 but overall just teaching. I have expressed this to my supervisors recently too in hopes that my knowledge in the field can be translated to teaching new hires in the company. I think it has gone over well too since I have spent 2 weeks training a new hire in my area.

My point is, some times it takes a while to find a purpose but at some point you will find yours!

Re: Life is Perspective

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 11:46 pm
by zorak1066
over 52 and still don't know my 'purpose'. use to drive me crazy not having a sense of vocation.. in all honesty it sometimes still does. I mean being a husband.. a friend... and all is fine but sometimes it all feels so empty know what I mean? if I could find a high paying job with benefits that paid me to do research and make beer... that would be bliss. til then I guess one must embrace the endless cycle of work , eat , sleep, repeat... and cling to the hope that better days will come. maybe 'purpose' is simply doing whatever it is you do and just doing it well, whatever it might be?

Re: Life is Perspective

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 1:01 am
by mashani
Purpose to me is finding what you are passionate about and then doing it as best you can. Money, although nice to have is secondary as long as your not starving to death. Money only buys you temporary happiness. Doing what you love is what really fulfills your soul. At least that's how I look at it.

Re: Life is Perspective

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 4:01 am
by zorak1066
having had an abundance of neither happiness nor money in my life ever... I think I would like lots of money and take the 'happiness' I could buy with it, however transitory it might be. :P

being a cubicle slave that owes my soul to some guy name BILL that I keep getting mail from for over 35 years is really getting to be a major drag. gimmee a small piece of land by a lake... a 1200 sq ft cottage (cedar wainscoting) ... a hammock... a fire pit, a canoe, a couple rocking chairs on a screened porch and the means to make and drink beer for the rest of my days ... with the wife of course.... and I think then I could be happy for reals... drinking beer, smoking my pipe and listening to the loons cry at night and the froggies chirp... si seulement

Re: Life is Perspective

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 5:04 am
by RickBeer
Good stuff D_Rabbit!

Re: Life is Perspective

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 5:13 am
by FedoraDave
Dan, I think it's great you've found this out about yourself. Teaching is a gift (my wife and many of my family members are educators, so I have some background), and even if you don't do it professionally, in a classroom, knowing that you have this gift can make your life fulfilling in many ways as you apply it to your work, your brew club, and in other ways you can't even imagine yet.

Me, I decided long ago not to let myself get defined by what I do to make money. Yes, I've worked in pest control for 20 years now, and yes, I'm pretty darn good at it, but I'm more than just the Bug Guy. I also have teachable moments with my customers. That's satisfying. But even then, it's just part of what I do to make money. I find more satisfaction, and define myself, in other ways; husband and father, friend, brewer, movie aficionado, etc.

Sometimes work gets in the way of these other things more than I'd like, but by and large, I try to maintain a balance.

Re: Life is Perspective

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 8:26 am
by John Sand
Sounds great Rabbit. As a Coast Guard and police supervisor, one of my favorite tasks was training. I did love field work too. I'm glad you find teaching rewarding.

Re: Life is Perspective

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 11:04 am
by Inkleg
That's great Dan! You were certainly one of the ones that taught and led me into All Grain brewing and I thank you.

Re: Life is Perspective

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 11:09 am
by Dawg LB Steve
Good for you Dan, follow what you feel even if it is hobby related or work related!

Re: Life is Perspective

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 6:43 pm
by RedBEERd
zorak1066 wrote:having had an abundance of neither happiness nor money in my life ever... I think I would like lots of money and take the 'happiness' I could buy with it, however transitory it might be. :P

being a cubicle slave that owes my soul to some guy name BILL that I keep getting mail from for over 35 years is really getting to be a major drag. gimmee a small piece of land by a lake... a 1200 sq ft cottage (cedar wainscoting) ... a hammock... a fire pit, a canoe, a couple rocking chairs on a screened porch and the means to make and drink beer for the rest of my days ... with the wife of course.... and I think then I could be happy for reals... drinking beer, smoking my pipe and listening to the loons cry at night and the froggies chirp... si seulement
If you can cordon off a small section of your screened porch, I'd be happy to clean your beer equipment, help you brew and help you drink your beer. All the stuff you described sounds so stress free I'm not sure it exists :(

Re: Life is Perspective

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 8:07 pm
by joechianti
It is good to know what you really want to do in life. Not just to pay the bills, but to fulfill your soul. Sometimes it can even be something very simple. I've always wanted, as far back as I can recall, to have a hot dog stand. But no matter how much I've tried, they always fall over.

Re: Life is Perspective

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 9:14 pm
by John Sand
Nice to see you Joe. I'd like to tell you that I missed your jokes, but it just isn't so. :D

Re: Life is Perspective

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 10:32 pm
by Rebel_B
Cool! I don't feel like I have the necessary patience to teach, although, at my work a lot of newcomers ask me to 'mentor' them. I do that willingly & have built many great relationships teaching rookies. Rookies always buy the beers for their mentors! That's my rule as a teacher.

Re: Life is Perspective

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 4:57 am
by RickBeer
John Sand wrote:Nice to see you Joe. I'd like to tell you that I missed your jokes, but it just isn't so. :D