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1868 William Younger 120

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:21 pm
by The_Professor
I got this 1868 Younger 120 brewed up today.
It is quite similar to the RCE brew that Louie/Leigh and I did this year. The malt volume flip flops using the same Scottish/Continental types. The IBU is lower.
Similar in that they are both old recipes from the same brewery in Scotland. And also similar in that they are not supposed to ferment out as completely as we normally think modern beers should. I think I got part way there with the RCE brew. I might have done better with this brew, maybe. But I've also had a bit of an issue with my somewhat new brewing setup, as in I am still working on getting the correct final volume. The RCE brew was a bit under volume and this one is a bit over volume.

So now on to my Brix reading. Per the recipe at Barclay Perkins the OG should be about 1.089. When I input the recipe into a calculator (and not changing the default efficiency) the OG would be 1.096. I got a Brix of 16.0 for about 1.066 OG. I used the high mash temp and I am a bit over volume. So not sure what I am in for until I see the FG. I did the 90 minute boil in the recipe.

My calculations gave me 0.2 oz for the dry hop, I'll probably go with 0.5 instead.

The recipe I used for 3 gallons:
7.0 Simpson's Golden Promise
3.5 Weyermann (German) Pale malt
1.7 Fuggle (5.1) @ 90
0.8 Polish Lubelski (4.0) @ 30
0.2 Polish Lubelski (4.0) dry hop (5 days)
Wyeast 1318 London Ale III