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Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:21 am
by Beer-lord
I kegged and bottled the Sublimely Self Conscious this morning and after having too much wort that lowered the gravity, then it really didn’t want to finish and only stopped at 1.026 (6.3% ABV) I bottled 2 bombers and 6-12 oz and only had about half a keg left. There was so much yeast trub it was unbelievable and I’m sure I’ll lose about 2 pints from the keg with all the shyte in the bottom.
Oh well, it seems to taste pretty good. So, I didn’t wait. I put it directly in the kegerator and by next weekend, I know what I have. Not an epic fail but and not even close to a waste of time but what started out as 6 gallons is just a bit more than half or so.
I'm not sure why my beers aren't finishing properly. Maybe 70% are off. Most since I got my new pot. I have a Thermapin which I've checked and it's dead accurate, I ferment well within the yeast parameters and the beers taste just great. So, should I just shut the frack up or OCD on what the problem is.
Brewing is a constant learning experience and I know I have tons to learn and if I never get it right and still can enjoy my beers, I'll ride into the sunset and know I had a good ride!
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:35 am
by Gymrat
I have had a few that didn't finish anywhere near where I expected. Particularly when using S 05. But they weren't sweet at all so I bottled or kegged them. They were always excellent beers so I didn't concern myself with it. I write it off as "just one of those things". As long as I enjoy my beer that is all that matters.
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:44 am
by BlackDuck
What type of yeast have you been using...dry or liquid? If liquid, have you been using a starter? Not hitting the FG's seems like a possible yeast issue to me. Maybe try a different type, or adding some yeast nutrients next time.
Another thought....what are you using for your water? Tap water, bottled spring water, etc??? Maybe there is some kind of chemical in the water that is having an effect on your yeast.
Just some random thoughts. But to answer your question directly, I would OCD this a bit more to see if you can figure it out.
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:51 am
by Beer-lord
I used 1 1/2 packs of US-04. I've read that it doesn't attenuate so well at times. It does seem to do this more with the dry yeast, both 04 and 05 and for Pliny tomorrow, I'm using 05 washed yeast that's on a starter since last night. It'll have 36 hours and it's already looking good.
The water is my tap water that I've used here for years. I let is sit out overnight (even though my water board with 3 homebrewers who work there so it's not needed) and add 5.2 to it. It's how I've done it for years.
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:13 am
by BlackDuck
I have had 04 not attenuate well too. My go-to yeast is 05, and I've never had an issue with it. In fact, I usually get a point or two below the predicted FG.
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:10 pm
by Beer-lord
How much does the fact that this recipe didn't call for a mash out make a difference? I've read a few places where some people think that's why their beer doesn't attenuate so well. I'll have to keep an eye on which recipes don't call for a MO and then see if the ones that do have a 10 minute MO finish closer to where they are supposed to.
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:17 pm
by Inkleg
Beer-lord wrote: Maybe 70% are off. Most since I got my new pot.
Paul, you may try making a change in your BeerSmith equipment profile. After I had done a few batches and knew my process was constant, but my numbers were off, I changed for 1/2 gallon of extra loss and get....well pretty close now.
I add the 10 minute hops to my SSR in 25 minutes. I'm supposed to have 5.5 gallons in the bucket, I'll let you know how close I am.
Beer-lord wrote:Brewing is a constant learning experience and I know I have tons to learn and if I never get it right and still can enjoy my beers, I'll ride into the sunset and know I had a good ride!
I have
ALWAYS enjoyed your beers and will ride shotgun into the sunset with you. Plus Kealia lives West of us and he brews GREAT beer also.
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:59 pm
by Gymrat
Beer-lord wrote:I used 1 1/2 packs of US-04. I've read that it doesn't attenuate so well at times. It does seem to do this more with the dry yeast, both 04 and 05 and for Pliny tomorrow, I'm using 05 washed yeast that's on a starter since last night. It'll have 36 hours and it's already looking good.
The water is my tap water that I've used here for years. I let is sit out overnight (even though my water board with 3 homebrewers who work there so it's not needed) and add 5.2 to it. It's how I've done it for years.
Try BRY-97 instead of S 05. You won't have any attenuation problems with that stuff I guarantee it.
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:02 pm
by Gymrat
Beer-lord wrote:How much does the fact that this recipe didn't call for a mash out make a difference? I've read a few places where some people think that's why their beer doesn't attenuate so well. I'll have to keep an eye on which recipes don't call for a MO and then see if the ones that do have a 10 minute MO finish closer to where they are supposed to.
There has been a lot of discussion about mash outs on the AHA forum. Most there seem to feel that with highly modified grains it isn't necessary. ... pic=7167.0
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:28 pm
by Beer-lord
I was using 04 on the Sublimely but do have a starter at about 16 hours now of 05 for tomorrows brew day.
I think I'll give the 97 a try on one of the next few brews and see how it goes.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:21 pm
by Kealia
Inkleg wrote:I have
ALWAYS enjoyed your beers and will ride shotgun into the sunset with you. Plus Kealia lives West of us and he brews GREAT beer also.
Awww, shucks
I'm anxious to get the new beers out to you guys.
Sorry to hear about your problems. I've had a number of beers under-attenuate and I've found two common demoninators in my beers.
They are either:
1) Ambers
2) Beers that I've used S-04 in
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:32 pm
by Beer-lord
Once I pour the sledge oil from the bottom of the keg, I'm drinking this one. No way will I go down without a fight.
I've tasted it again today and it's young but it has the potential to be pretty good.
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:36 pm
by Inkleg
So I brewed mine on Saturday, put in the fridge with the controller and I had airlock activity the next morning.
Checked before I went to bed and the thermo strip in the bucket was reading 68*, good enough.
Get up this morning and stick my head in before leaving for work, 72*, what the? The controller is reading 19.5c (controllers set for 17.5c), the light in the fridge is on so there's power, but the compressors not running.
Kick the fridge and it comes on.
Now I'm one of the ones who just hangs the probe in the fridge. I know my system and where my settings need to be to get the temperature I want. But now I need to get this temp down quick and a hanging probe won't cut it. So I go get an old washcloth and some duct tape. Tape the probe to the bucket, reset controller to 19c and leave for work.
Come home and its at 66*, a little on the cool side, so reset to 19.5c and all will be fine.
Through this little fiasco the one thing I have learned from the Borg rang true. I didn't worry, I relaxed and went to work.
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:41 pm
by Beer-lord
Imagine calling the boss and telling him why you weren't coming in to work...."sorry, my fridge is on the fritz and I need to nurse the fermenter along at 68". Doubt that would work.
FWIW, I gave mine a taste today and am not very happy. Has an alcohol taste but I'll RDWHAHB and wait a week more and see where she goes. She's still very, very green.
Re: Sublimely disappointed
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:40 pm
by Kealia
Jeff, I don't think you get it. It's "relax, don't worry, have a home brew" not "relax, don't worry, go to work".
I'm so disappointed.