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Morir Soñando - Dominican Lime Creamsicle Golden Wheat Stout

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:21 pm
by philm00x
At the request of Alb, here's my recipe for Morir Soñando. The beer is modeled after a drink from the Dominican Republic, where my family is from, that is essentially a lime creamsicle- You blend lime juice, sugar, and crushed ice in a glass and slowly start to pour milk into it while stirring so as to keep the acid from the lime from curdling it. It's creamy and fruity and takes me back to my childhood when we used to have a big lime tree out in our backyard and every summer my dad would make it for us as a treat.

The beer, in my first attempt, has plenty of lime in it, but I think I'll add more lactose to it next time to bring out more of the milky creaminess.

BeerSmith 2 Recipe Printout -
Recipe: Morir Soñando
Brewer: Mr. Rufus Brewing Co.
Asst Brewer:
Style: Sweet Stout
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (30.0)

Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 3.03 gal
Post Boil Volume: 2.60 gal
Batch Size (fermenter): 2.50 gal
Bottling Volume: 2.25 gal
Estimated OG: 1.050 SG
Estimated Color: 3.4 SRM
Estimated IBU: 22.9 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 72.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 72.0 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
3 lbs Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain 1 57.1 %
1 lbs White Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM) Grain 2 19.0 %
0.50 oz Lime Peel (Mash 60.0 mins) Spice 3 -
0.20 oz Whitbread Golding Variety (WGV) [6.00 %] Hop 4 11.1 IBUs
0.20 oz Motueka [7.00 %] - Boil 15.0 min Hop 5 5.9 IBUs
3.5 oz Milk Sugar (Lactose) [Boil for 10 min](0 Sugar 6 4.2 %
24.0 oz Fruit - Lime [Boil for 5 min](0.0 SRM) Extract 7 14.3 %
0.50 oz Motueka [7.00 %] - Boil 5.0 min Hop 8 5.9 IBUs
0.50 oz Lime Peel (Boil 5.0 mins) Spice 9 -
1.0 pkg Denny's Favorite (Wyeast Labs #1450) [12 Yeast 10 -
4.5 oz Milk Sugar (Lactose) (0.0 SRM) Sugar 11 5.3 %

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 5 lbs 4.0 oz
Name Description Step Temperat Step Time
Mash In Add 6.80 qt of water at 167.0 F 152.0 F 60 min

Sparge: Batch sparge with 2 steps (Drain mash tun , 2.01gal) of 168.0 F water
15 limes ~ 1.5 lbs. Zest of 8 in mash. Juice of 15 in boil. Zest of 7 in boil.
3.5 oz lactose in boil. 4.5 oz lactose at bottling dissolved with priming sugar.


As you can see, in my original recipe, there's 8 ounces of lactose in it for a 2.5 gallon batch. I'd probably increase it to 12 ounces next time, and do 6 ounces in the boil with the other 6 dissolved with the priming sugar to add at bottling. When I brewed this, I didn't have a properly functioning thermometer and I missed my targets. Also, I brewed it for medium body, while expecting the lactose to make the body a little fuller but it didn't really affect it, so I would try a full body mash temp, like say 154-156*F so that it is a little thicker.

Re: Morir Soñando - Dominican Lime Creamsicle Golden Wheat S

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:45 pm
by alb
:thanks: :urock:
I'd like to try this in a couple weeks.

Re: Morir Soñando - Dominican Lime Creamsicle Golden Wheat S

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 6:28 pm
by philm00x
No problem! I would also recommend trying the actual drink so that you can get an idea of what the beer is trying to resemble. It's really tasty!