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Sorta getting my ducks in a row

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:29 pm
by FedoraDave
I like to have a plan for my brewing schedule; usually a month or so in advance. I took a bit of a break from brewing in August, and today began my vacation week. So I sat down with my recipe book and decided what I'd be brewing for the next eight or so batches. I wanted to keep something of a balance between highly hopped beers and more malty beers, and I needed to keep in mind which batches would be fivers and which would be 2.5ers. It's all subject to change, of course, but I like what I'll be making, which includes a Cascadian Dark Ale, a Cali Common, which I intend to enter in Homebrew Alley X, and a couple of nice blond ales.

It'll be good to get back to a regular brewing schedule.

Re: Sorta getting my ducks in a row

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:47 pm
by JimH
I hear ya Dave! I took a hiatus since March (HOLY COW)! I had a lot going on, mostly job searching and moving. Now that I am settled in the house I am looking forward to getting over and checking out the LHBS. It's exciting to actually have one nearby. I gotta get some new fermentors, a burner, and some ingredients, but I will be back in business soon!

Cheers to getting back to the brewing Dave!
:fedora: :clink:

Re: Sorta getting my ducks in a row

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:10 am
by FedoraDave
Jim, moving and job-hunting have to take priority. Me, I was just very busy at work, the weather was really hot, and I just needed a break from the weekly brewing I had been doing since last September. If I don't take a couple weeks to recharge, it becomes a chore, and I also start to lose the creative spark. I'll be making recipes from my standard line-up at first, but then, around the end of the year/first of the year, I'll start looking into creating new recipes or exploring new styles.