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Gigantic IPA

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:59 am
by Beer-lord
My godchild came back from visiting my sister and gave RedBEERd a number of good beers for us to try so during the game yesterday (ahhhhhh, loses <cough>) we tried the Gigantic IPA by Gigantic Brewing Company. I was very impressed. It was a citrus, hop bomb but not bitter at all. The malt was there but subtle and let the citrusy hops work in both aroma and taste.
Each time I took a sip I had to say out loud how much I liked it. I know absolutely nothing about this company but my brother in law helped her pick out some IPA's for her to bring home to us and I say he did a great did RedBEERd training his daughter on how to purchase good beers. :banana:

Re: Gigantic IPA

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:19 am
by John Sand
Sounds great!

Re: Gigantic IPA

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:32 pm
by SomeGuyBrewing
I recently discovered beers from Gigantic. I had 3 of their beers so far and all have been impressive. Definitely a brewing company I'll be keeping an eye on. And their labels are pretty great too.

Re: Gigantic IPA

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:46 pm
by BlackDuck
For those of us that have never heard of, or probably will never get their beer.....Here is their list of beer recipes right from their website.

Re: Gigantic IPA

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:53 pm
by Beer-lord
I must have missed these recipes when I went online but thanks for this Chris.
Never would have thought they used Wyeast 1728 in Gigantic IPA but it just goes to show me I need to try other yeasts in my IPA's besides the normal, West Coast variety.

Re: Gigantic IPA

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:07 pm
by Dawg LB Steve
Nice find Chris!

Re: Gigantic IPA

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:45 pm
by Inkleg
Dawg LB Steve wrote:Nice find Chris!

Re: Gigantic IPA

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:03 pm
by Kealia
These are our exact recipes scaled down to 1bbl=31gallons.


I actually recall seeing that label before so I'll try one the next time I see it based on what Paul said and this:
"True to its name. Cascade, Centennial, Crystal and Simcoe create a citrusy hop confluence that continuously embiggens with each drink."

Re: Gigantic IPA

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:54 pm
by Beer-lord
I think ours was pretty fresh but I can only imagine this in draft. Only thing I would like better would be more nose but that could be the age of the beer. Just based on 1 beer, I'd keep it in my fridge at all times if it were here.

Re: Gigantic IPA

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:21 pm
by mashani
Check out their recipes. This one intrigues me. Massive barlywine recipe. Its simple. And insane.

At 2.5 gallons it would be about (slight rounding was done)

11lbs Thomas Fawcett Halcyon mashed at 148.

9 hour boil. Yep. 9 hour boil. You talk about a long boil to develop all the malty goodness... well... this is a looong boil.

0.1 calculated, but 0.25oz magnum @60 (8 hours into the boil) to target IBUs they state... they must use super magnum or get super utilization somehow.
1.1oz cascade, 0.8oz Wilamette @5 (I'd just round these to 1 each if I was brewing it).
1.3oz Mosiac dry hop (I'd just go with 1 or 1.5 if I was brewing it).
Scottish Ale yeast. They use this a lot.

I have no clue how much water I would need to use to do a 9 hour boil and end up with my volume. I've never calculated my boil off for more then 2 hours. It would likely take a pot 10 times larger then mine, to end up with a puddle in that pot that would fill my other pot. And I'd never be able to boil that kind of volume. So for me to try it, I'd just have to go with what I can fit, and keep topping it up if I was to try it. No way I could do a 9 hour boil in any pot I have and not have it turn into burnt sludge without topping it up at least 5 times.

@Beer-Lord: The Gigantic when I figure it has about a 0.2oz bittering addition, 1.2oz flavor addition, a 3.5oz 45 minute hop stand/whirlpool, and 1.5oz or so of dry hop (@5 gallons). I think you tend to dry hop and late hop at higher amounts. So that's probably why you don't think it has enough nose. You tend to use more then 6oz of hops @5 gallons I think. A lot more :)

Re: Gigantic IPA

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:16 am
by Beer-lord
A 9 hour boil? Not me. I'm like you, I have no idea how much water to use.
I printed out the Gigantic IPA recipe and planned on working out the numbers later. There was no sharpness at all in this beer as it was smoothy goodness so I would think your bittering number would be about right. Might just be the selection of hops that really make this so yummy to me.

Re: Gigantic IPA

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:50 pm
by SomeGuyBrewing
uploadfromtaptalk1444855652174.jpg (206.79 KiB) Viewed 1093 times
Speaking of Gigantic. Picked up 3. The catch 23 Pale I've had (good stuff) it uses experimental hop 527. The hoppy wheat and gin barrel aged IPA, I've never tried but both sound good to me

Also, the Catch 23 Pale has one of my favorite labels ever.