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Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:46 pm
by The_Professor
The subject of having a Brewer Of The Month was brought up in this thread.

Per the few posts following here we'll go ahead and get the ball rolling.

I'll post the nomination thread on Friday for the October Brewer Of The Month. Three days for nominations and three days for voting, enough to give folks a chance to participate without being too awfully drawn out.

Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:37 pm
by HerbMeowing
Point of Order ... Mr. Chairman.

Shouldn't nominations be for September's BOTM?
Shouldn't a call for nominations be made over the last three days of the month?

Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:46 pm
by bpgreen
HerbMeowing wrote:Point of Order ... Mr. Chairman.

Shouldn't nominations be for September's BOTM?
Shouldn't a call for nominations be made over the last three days of the month?

Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:03 pm
by HerbMeowing
Thx for the thoughtful reply.
Hard to argue with such persuasive reasoning.

OK then; riddle me this: what has 'October's BOTM' done to make that brewer October's notable brewer for month that has yet to happen?
What about this particular brewer's actions make them a leading indicator of brewing?
Is BOTM like a futures contract where Members vote on who they think will have the best performance during the upcoming month?

Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:18 pm
by The_Professor
HerbMeowing wrote:...Is BOTM like a futures contract where Members vote on who they think will have the best performance during the upcoming month?
Sometimes, yes. In the case where a member is voted BOTM because of their helpfulness answering questions on the forum and continues to do so. Besides the fact that a member that is voted BOTM for Award Winning Beers, or Brewing Equipment builds will often continue to do what they do.

Now suppose someone brews a beer in January, lets it age and enters it in a contest in July. In February we did not know they had won. So in August would they be voted in for January or July? Suppose the results weren't received until August. Do they win for brewing, for winning, or knowing about it.

It also addresses the question of what makes a BOTM. Nominating and voting for someone because of multiple accomplishments over time is also valid AFAIC.

Yeah, bpgreen is right. It doesn't need to be complicated.

Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:24 pm
by bpgreen
HerbMeowing wrote:Thx for the thoughtful reply.
Hard to argue with such persuasive reasoning.

OK then; riddle me this: what has 'October's BOTM' done to make that brewer October's notable brewer for month that has yet to happen?
What about this particular brewer's actions make them a leading indicator of brewing?
Is BOTM like a futures contract where Members vote on who they think will have the best performance during the upcoming month?
I apologize. You asked a valid question and I basically just dismissed your question, which wasn't fair.

The month for the BOTM (at least at MBF) was the month when the BOTM reigned, not the month for which the brewer's activities were honored. In fact, in a few cases, we elected people as BOTM when their activity in the prior month was sparse or nonexistent, but we felt that their overall contribution to the site merited the honor.

I once objected to somebody's nomination because he hadn't been active for a while. When others pointed out the real meaning of BOTM, I backed off and may have even voted for that person (I honestly don't remember).

I remember one time when I got BOTM when I had actually not brewed or even kegged during the month prior to my election. I even pointed that out, I think. I had, however, contributed to the forum during that time.

So the October BOTM is nominated at the end of September, for contributions to the forum up to and including the end of September. If it's any consolation to you, when I added my name to the BOTM mini-mash-paddle, I had the wrong month for exactly the reason you list.

Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:44 pm
by HerbMeowing
Got it.
Somewhat akin to a 'Month-time Achievement' award.

I'm in.

Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:50 pm
by bpgreen
As an aside, at the "official" Mr Beer forum, it seemed like the BOTM was often sort of a SI cover type of thing.

Somebody would get BOTM and just disappear.

I think that was often because the BOTM had "outgrown" Mr Beer brewing and was just hanging out for old times sake. That didn't seem to be the case at MBF and I think it's unlikely to be the case here since so many have moved on from kit brewing (even though it's our introduction).

Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:56 pm
by Beer-lord
bpgreen wrote:As an aside, at the "official" Mr Beer forum, it seemed like the BOTM was often sort of a SI cover type of thing.

Somebody would get BOTM and just disappear.

I think that was often because the BOTM had "outgrown" Mr Beer brewing and was just hanging out for old times sake. That didn't seem to be the case at MBF and I think it's unlikely to be the case here since so many have moved on from kit brewing (even though it's our introduction).
That could be me. I was already done with Mr. Beer when they named me BOTM and I still think they did so that I might feel obligated to stick around. I think they were looking for people to bridge the gap between old and new brewers.

Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:37 am
by Pudge
BOTM over at MBF awarded accomplishments and folks that ventured out of their comfort zone to attempt something new, but it was often times a gag gift for someone just so the guys/gals could have a good time. It was something we could taker serious and make fun of and we just kinda knew which was which. There was a bottle opener over there that was a legendary competitor.

Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:01 am
by FedoraDave
Since I wasn't involved in MBF, I can't comment on what BOTM meant, but my take on the official MB site's BOTM was that it was a way to spotlight someone who was active on the forum and was just generally a good guy. I was named MB BOTM after being on the forum only eight months, but I had also directly engaged a loathsome troll (anyone remember Kenny?) who was pestering the site at the time. I don't know if I had that much to do with him getting banned, or with my selection as BOTM, but the choice seemed to coincide with the Kenny Incident.

I do like the idea of having a BOTM, though. It's a fun way to recognize each others' accomplishments and show our appreciation for each other and for this forum.

Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:56 am
by dbrowning
Nominations for BOTM should be for September right now
Voting for October BOTM is kinda ridiculous

Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:39 pm
by Brewbirds
dbrowning wrote:Nominations for BOTM should be for September right now
Voting for October BOTM is kinda ridiculous
I think I get it though db and it makes sense the way they had it set up. The "nomination" may be because of previous contributions but the "honor", once bestowed, is like a term of office; served after the vote.

Is that right guys from MBF?


Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:38 pm
by John Sand
I nominate BrewBirds! :)
I know nominations aren't open yet. But in the spirit of modern politics and future world Brewer of the Month awards, I'm standing by my choice.

Re: Coming Soon - Brewer Of The Month

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:58 pm
by The_Professor
bpgreen wrote:...The month for the BOTM (at least at MBF) was the month when the BOTM reigned, not the month for which the brewer's activities were honored...
Brewbirds wrote:...The "nomination" may be because of previous contributions but the "honor", once bestowed, is like a term of office; served after the vote...
That's the idea...