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A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 7:18 pm
by Beer-lord
I did a simple recipe I called Simply Amarillo and BlackDuck decided to try it as well with some changes.
We sent each other 2 beers each to test and while I'm waiting for BD to taste them, I did tonite.
They have similarities but of course, differences. The recipes were not exact and out water is different and those differences stood out. I'll wait for Chris to taste them but my bottom line is I liked mine cold and his warm. In the end, the last couple of sips I blended them. Then I decided we kicked butt and should open a brewery. Then I sobered up and realized I can't give my beer away.
Seriously, really enjoyable beers, alike but different and both should be brewed again. Drink, brew and repeat!

Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 7:30 pm
by BigPapaG
Ahhh... Very Good!


Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 7:41 pm
by BlackDuck
I'm going to do my side by side tomorrow evening. I'll post pics and and my thoughts. But I thought the recipe was called Simply Simarillo? becasue it used Simcoe and Amarillo. You did use both didn't you, because I did.

Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:02 pm
by Beer-lord
Yes, both hops but it's not the same as Simply Simarillo which I think was brewed by ruski?????? I called mine Simply Amarillo and don't even know how Simarillo compares. I'll have to see if I'm able to figure out the search function of the forum to find the Simarillo recipe. :)

Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:04 pm
by BlackDuck
Here's the thread you started: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4762

Note the title!

Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:12 pm
by Beer-lord
Oh snap! You went all Rick Beer on me and showed my memory loss. :) My recipe here in Beersmith shows Simply Amarillo. Should I change the name, leave it alone or forget this ever happened?
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Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:16 pm
by BlackDuck
I do have one question mean to tell me you've been sitting on this recipe since May of 2012????

Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:22 pm
by Beer-lord
For some reason, some recipes in Beersmith defaults to that date. If I copy it to another computer with Beersmith, it doesn't do this.
Regardless, serious voodoo going on.
I need to go kill a chicken, drain its blood, and make a blood-yeast starter.

<I'm sick>

Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:27 pm
by BlackDuck
Good...cause if you sat on it that long, it would have deserved an ass-kicking.

Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:34 pm
by Beer-lord
I welcome a new ass!
Let me know what you think after you do a side by side. I still have a one left to try in another few days. Strange how they are alike but different.

Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:36 pm
by BlackDuck
They should be alike, but different. I toned mine back some so it wasn't as "big" of an IPA as yours. And I did water adjustments to balance it out....other than that...... used red wheat, and I used white wheat.

Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:58 pm
by mashani
BlackDuck wrote: used red wheat, and I used white wheat.
Who cares. It's got Simcoe and Amarillo in it!

Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 3:21 pm
by Brewbirds
mashani wrote:
BlackDuck wrote: used red wheat, and I used white wheat.
Who cares. It's got Simcoe and Amarillo in it!
^^^^THIS^^^^ :rofl: :rofl:

Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 6:21 pm
by Kealia
mashani wrote:
BlackDuck wrote: used red wheat, and I used white wheat.
Who cares. It's got Simcoe and Amarillo in it!
That was my first thought, too!

This is pretty cool, like an RCE. It's pretty neat to taste the differences and similarities, too. It's like back when y'all did the Pliny clone and I got to taste them all side by side - good fun. I can only imagine that's what Nashville was like....but I digress.

Simcoe and Amarillo are like bacon: They make everything better.

Re: A Simple Amarillo co-op

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 6:39 pm
by BlackDuck
Time for my side by side comparison.
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Mine is on the right, Paul's is on the left.
Appearance: Color is almost identical, however, mine is much clearer than Paul's.
Aroma: Mine seemed a little more citrusy, while Paul's was a little more earthy and dank. They were very similar though. I had to smell them over and over to figure the difference out. They are very close.
Flavor: Wow...the flavor is almost the same. As with the aroma, mine seems to be slightly more citrusy than Paul's, while his is a touch more dank than mine. But they are very close to each other.

Additional thought as they warm: Paul's aroma seems to be getting even more dank, and the flavor is changing accordingly. Mine seems to be staying in the citrus area.

Overall, these two beers are extremely close to each other. The difference is very small. Pauls is a little more on the dank side, while mine is a little more on the citrus side.

I brewed mine as a lower "power" IPA than Paul. I did not want one with as high an ABV as the recipe was written. So I reduced the grain bill and cut the hops accordingly in an attempt to keep it in balance. These two beers are damn close to each other, even with the adjustment in the recipe. I'm glad you came up with this recipe Paul. I would drink either one of these any day of the week and twice on Tuesday. Well brewed.