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A while back
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:08 am
by Gymrat
Some company bought Midwestsupplies and Northern Brewer. They are both under the same ownership now. ... 710-1.html
This same guy bought midwestsupplies a while back.
Re: A while back
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:10 am
by FrozenInTime
Did not know that. I'm seriously hoping is was not Coopers or inBev.
Re: A while back
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:13 am
by Gymrat
Neither. It was a Philadelphia based company. Big business has seen the explosion of the home brew hobby. This might not be a good thing for us. They will be looking to please stock holders with growth in profits. This could possibly mean increasing prices for us. Or it could go the other way, with greater resources for buying more bulk may lead to lower prices. And competitive research and development might mean new innovations in equipment.
Re: A while back
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:42 pm
by RickBeer
The owner of Northern and Midwest is not a public entity and therefore they are not trying to please investors other than the investors in the firm that bought them.
Re: A while back
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:52 pm
by haerbob3
When they both jacked their shipping prices I stopped buying from them. It is too hard for me to pass up AIH's $5 Michigan shipping. Bought 2 50 pound bags of grain last order $5 shipping covered both!! Maybe giving Northern an order though
Antithesis - Saison du Vin All-Grain Kit ... n-kit.html
A pairing of opposites. The juxtaposition of contrasting ideas. The coming together of beer and wine. Thesis, antithesis, and synthesis yield this mightily fruity hop-forward saison that is like nothing you've had before. Sauvignon Blanc grape juice brings explosive flavors and aromas — green grass, tropical berries, Kaffir lime, and refreshing crisp acidity. This powerful grape is both balanced and enhanced by New Zealand Nelson Sauvin hops and the wine-like character of French saison yeast. This is pure, wild, dynamic energy in a beer-wine hybrid - a fine balance achieved via contrasting flavors working together to create an Antithetical Synergy.
Just sounds to hard to resist.
Re: A while back
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:40 pm
by jivex5k wonder they got rid of flat rate shipping.
No wonder Dawson left...
Damn much for NB.
Re: A while back
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:28 am
by Gymrat
haerbob3 wrote:When they both jacked their shipping prices I stopped buying from them. It is too hard for me to pass up AIH's $5 Michigan shipping. Bought 2 50 pound bags of grain last order $5 shipping covered both!! Maybe giving Northern an order though
Antithesis - Saison du Vin All-Grain Kit ... n-kit.html
A pairing of opposites. The juxtaposition of contrasting ideas. The coming together of beer and wine. Thesis, antithesis, and synthesis yield this mightily fruity hop-forward saison that is like nothing you've had before. Sauvignon Blanc grape juice brings explosive flavors and aromas — green grass, tropical berries, Kaffir lime, and refreshing crisp acidity. This powerful grape is both balanced and enhanced by New Zealand Nelson Sauvin hops and the wine-like character of French saison yeast. This is pure, wild, dynamic energy in a beer-wine hybrid - a fine balance achieved via contrasting flavors working together to create an Antithetical Synergy.
Just sounds to hard to resist.
Have you compared the price plus shipping from NB or Midwest supplies to the overall price at $5 shipping where you bought your grain? The way they offer flat rate shipping or free shipping anywhere is to include shipping prices in the retail of everything they sell. I have found I get my best overall price from places that charge full shipping rate as I order.
Re: A while back
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:30 am
by Gymrat
RickBeer wrote:The owner of Northern and Midwest is not a public entity and therefore they are not trying to please investors other than the investors in the firm that bought them.
They will be looking to please the investors of the company that bought them.
Re: A while back
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:17 am
by RickBeer
Gymrat wrote:RickBeer wrote:The owner of Northern and Midwest is not a public entity and therefore they are not trying to please investors other than the investors in the firm that bought them.
They will be looking to please the investors of the company that bought them.
That's what I said.
Re: A while back
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:56 am
by gwcr
Re: A while back
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 1:52 pm
by haerbob3
Gymrat wrote:haerbob3 wrote:When they both jacked their shipping prices I stopped buying from them. It is too hard for me to pass up AIH's $5 Michigan shipping. Bought 2 50 pound bags of grain last order $5 shipping covered both!! Maybe giving Northern an order though
Antithesis - Saison du Vin All-Grain Kit ... n-kit.html
A pairing of opposites. The juxtaposition of contrasting ideas. The coming together of beer and wine. Thesis, antithesis, and synthesis yield this mightily fruity hop-forward saison that is like nothing you've had before. Sauvignon Blanc grape juice brings explosive flavors and aromas — green grass, tropical berries, Kaffir lime, and refreshing crisp acidity. This powerful grape is both balanced and enhanced by New Zealand Nelson Sauvin hops and the wine-like character of French saison yeast. This is pure, wild, dynamic energy in a beer-wine hybrid - a fine balance achieved via contrasting flavors working together to create an Antithetical Synergy.
Just sounds to hard to resist.
Have you compared the price plus shipping from NB or Midwest supplies to the overall price at $5 shipping where you bought your grain? The way they offer flat rate shipping or free shipping anywhere is to include shipping prices in the retail of everything they sell. I have found I get my best overall price from places that charge full shipping rate as I order.
Yep, $115 for the order including shipping. NB wanted $35 per bag for shipping. The $5 shipping from AIH is for MI only
Re: A while back
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 2:57 pm
by Gymrat
Ouch! They only charged me $10 shipping on my last bag.