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First brew

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:16 pm
by r3vinojr
I just did my first brew on the Brewdeamon 2.5 gallon this past Sunday. I just checked to see if the air lock was still "bubbling". It has stopped and its only Tuesday. It doesn't seem right. The directions says it takes about a week when the fermentation stops. Should I be concerned?? Oh, and yes I am a virgin brewer, If I messed up on this one easy brew I will try again!! Thanks!

Re: First brew

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:23 pm
by Beer-lord
Welcome to the Borg and happy brewing! No worries in the beer......fermentation isn't always very visible and is going on for a number of days which is why it's best to let it do its job for 2 weeks or longer.
This hobby only gets better so enjoy learning and sharing your brewing adventures.

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Re: First brew

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:35 pm
by Dawg LB Steve
Welcome to the Borg! The instructions claim you can be drinking your beer in two weeks, this is somewhat true but it won't be very good. Here are some pointers for creating a better first batch. If you don't have a hydrometer, leave your beer ferment for at least two weeks, three would be better to let the yeast finish its job and clean up after itself. If using a hydrometer, you will want to get the same reading for three straight days to be assured that fermentation is complete and the beer is stable enough for bottling. After bottling leave them condition at 70 degrees or so for 3-4 weeks then refrigerate for two to three days to let the CO2 absorb into the beer. As an experiment you can try one at 1,2,and 3 weeks so you will be able to see how the conditioning actually changes the taste for the better.
Good luck and GOOD BREWING, keep us updated with your brewing progress!

Re: First brew

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:48 pm
by John Sand
Welcome to brewing and The Borg!
Those guys are right, a bit longer is better. And don't worry, you're making beer. If it isn't great, you'll make more. We all had to learn. Sooner or later you'll amaze your friends with your homebrew. For your next batch you can get the Borg Discount. Find the process in "Members Only Discounts". My only other advice is to avoid the temptation to experiment until you've improved your process and understanding of brewing. Study and practice, most of all have fun. Please keep us up on your progress.

Re: First brew

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:09 pm
by BigPapaG
Welcome aBorg!

We have beer and soon you will too!

Yeast tend to work vigorously in the first couple of days, then they settle down and chug along for a couple of weeks...

Not to fear, they are still busy making beer!

Give them time as mentioned below and they will clean up after themselves too, removing off flavors from the fermentation process (ie: making better beer!)


Re: First brew

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:58 am
by r3vinojr
Just thought I'd give an update. I did end up letting it ferment for 2 weeks. Bottled 7.5 liters from the 2.5 gallons last week. Today is Sunday and I will be trying one the beers today to see how it taste and another next week and another the week after that to see if there is a difference in taste. Can't wait!!!!

Re: First brew

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:43 am
by RickBeer
After a week it will be lousy. If you really want to compare progress, wait 2 weeks, then do 1 every week after letting it sit in the fridge for 3 days. In the future, 3 weeks fermenting is better than 2.

Re: First brew

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:32 am
by John Sand
r3vinojr wrote:Just thought I'd give an update. I did end up letting it ferment for 2 weeks. Bottled 7.5 liters from the 2.5 gallons last week. Today is Sunday and I will be trying one the beers today to see how it taste and another next week and another the week after that to see if there is a difference in taste. Can't wait!!!!
Exciting, isn't it?
I think there will be a difference in taste. If it is too young, it won't be quite right: "green". You will learn to recognize that taste. Enjoy, and keep us posted!

Re: First brew

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:38 am
by Boss_Hogg82
I noticed the same thing with mine, I'm new to this as well and I have my first batch fermenting now. I make wine also, and when making wine it is easy to see the fermentation process the whole way through because it will bubble until it's just about ready to bottle. I didn't worry about it too much and just figured it was part of the process for it to slow down like that, the only time i would worry about it is if I didn't see it start. I am glad to read that I should wait longer than what was recommended on the instructions, because that is something that I wondered about as well. Thanks ya'll.

Re: First brew

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 11:19 am
by Dawg LB Steve
Patience rewards us with a better product with beer Boss_Hogg82.

Re: First brew

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:50 am
by Boss_Hogg82
I agree, but it's about like a kid in a candy store, especially on my first batch. But I'm definitely going to do it right, I'm gonna let it age for about 4 weeks before I drink. I just bottled some Apple wine and I'm letting it age now, I poured a small amount in a 20oz bottle so I could taste the aging process as it went along, it does make a big difference.

Re: First brew

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:11 am
by RayF
Boss_Hogg82 wrote:I agree, but it's about like a kid in a candy store, especially on my first batch. But I'm definitely going to do it right, I'm gonna let it age for about 4 weeks before I drink.
The Waiting is the Hardest Part!