Northern Brewer has a unique (at least to me) Saison kit available the Antithesis.
A pairing of opposites. The juxtaposition of contrasting ideas. The coming together of beer and wine. Thesis, antithesis, and synthesis yield this mightily fruity hop-forward saison that is like nothing you've had before. Sauvignon Blanc grape juice brings explosive flavors and aromas — green grass, tropical berries, Kaffir lime, and refreshing crisp acidity. This powerful grape is both balanced and enhanced by New Zealand Nelson Sauvin hops and the wine-like character of French saison yeast. This is pure, wild, dynamic energy in a beer-wine hybrid - a fine balance achieved via contrasting flavors working together to create an Antithetical Synergy.
Should be an interesting brew do ya think??
has anyone used White Labs WLP099 yeast??
im Leben Geduld ist eine Tugend
in Brau-es ist eine Anforderung
in life patience is a virtue
in brewing it is a requirement
You are stronger than you think you are!!!!
~~Andy Wesley 1973 -- 2013
I'm not familiar with that yeast, but then, I don't really make higher grav beers. Biggest I've made is around 7.3 or so, and the WLP001 worked fine for that.
Up Next: Moon Shot Double IPA Fermenting/Conditioning 2Daves Irish Red Ale -- Ladybug Lager Drinking: FedoraDave's American Ale -- Schöenwald Schwarzbier -- Littlejohn's Ale -- King Duncan's Porter
In the previous set of Mr Beer recipes there was one called King's Nectar that people seemed to really like, which used white grape juice. I'd go for it!
I've never used that yeast, why would you use it over a regular Saison yeast? With the juice, French Saison is going to take that down to 1.00n territory easily.
The lower gravity saison I used nelson sauvon in is very grapey to begin with. And I like it. I'm sure I'd like that kit.
Sorry guys. I forgot to say in the OP that the White Lab's WLP099 was for one of my Mad Scientist brews. The Antithesis - Saison du Vin All-Grain Kit will be brewed using Wyeast's French Saison.
im Leben Geduld ist eine Tugend
in Brau-es ist eine Anforderung
in life patience is a virtue
in brewing it is a requirement
You are stronger than you think you are!!!!
~~Andy Wesley 1973 -- 2013
-- 0.25 oz-NZ Nelson Sauvin (60-min)
-- 1.5 oz NZ Nelson Sauvin (20-min)
-- 46 oz Alexander’s Sauvignon Blanc grape concentrate (add at end of boil)
im Leben Geduld ist eine Tugend
in Brau-es ist eine Anforderung
in life patience is a virtue
in brewing it is a requirement
You are stronger than you think you are!!!!
~~Andy Wesley 1973 -- 2013