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15 Gallon Weekend

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:49 am
by brewnewb
I was a busy beaver this past weekend. This winter I had all 5 of my fermenting buckets full of wine. Finally, 3 were ready to bottle. That took up the better part of my off day on Friday. Sat AM I was at the LHBS and grabbed a couple beer kits and misc supplies.

I did a brewers best 5 gal summer ale kit in the morning and then did a 5 gal batch of a basic pipeline filler in the afternoon.

Sunday, I did another 5 gal pipeline filler.

My kegs have been empty way too long. It's time to get my rotation back in line and have homebrew running thru my taps.

I'm tired of going to the beer dist and buying a case of this and case of that.

Cheers! :clink:

Re: 15 Gallon Weekend

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:14 am
by Inkleg
Wow, busy weekend. Your forum name doesn't seem to jive with that though. :lol:

Re: 15 Gallon Weekend

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:49 am
by John Sand

Re: 15 Gallon Weekend

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:05 am
by Crazy Climber
Perhaps a silly question, but does fermenting wine in buckets leave any odor or staining behind?
I know that using plastic equipment for soda (especially root beer) can permanently "odorize" the plastic...just wondering if the same holds true for wine.

Re: 15 Gallon Weekend

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:19 am
by brewnewb
Crazy Climber wrote:Brewnewb,
Perhaps a silly question, but does fermenting wine in buckets leave any odor or staining behind?
I know that using plastic equipment for soda (especially root beer) can permanently "odorize" the plastic...just wondering if the same holds true for wine.
After I bottled the wine there is an odor and stain. I cleaned them thoroghly then let them soak full over night with water and some oxiclean.

It removes the odor but the light stain is still present. I've done this in the past with no issues on my next batch of beer.

I'm due to replace a few of these so I may go to a couple dedicated to wine and some dedicated to beer just to be safe.

Re: 15 Gallon Weekend

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:15 pm
by The_Professor
brewnewb wrote:15 Gallon Weekend
I'm not sure you are thinking this through. Now you are stuck drinking all that beer.