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18 Gallons in 16 Days

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 9:15 pm
by John Sand
Not drinking, thank God, brewing.
I have lamented elsewhere that my failed BPA left me without homebrew. :o :(
In spite of other obligations I have managed to brew 5, 8, and 5 since the 21st. The 8 is split, this will fill 4 of 5 kegs. I'm relieved and a little pleased. I'm sure I've never made so much so quickly before. (In a Winston Churchill voice)

Re: 18 Gallons in 16 Days

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 10:19 pm
by Jon
Nice work, way to get that pipeline back in shape! :party:

Re: 18 Gallons in 16 Days

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 5:16 am
by FedoraDave
That's quite an accomplishment. I like to stick to my Sunday brewing schedule. Since every other week I work a six-day week, Sunday is the only sure day off that I have, and I spend the morning brewing, while my wife is out grocery shopping. It keeps the pipeline full, and keeps me occupied, sane, and happy.