Here's what they say about it:
This beer is going to change your life. Adjective Animal is dry hopped twice, in two different vessels, along with a great wasteful pile of hops in the kettle, and another huge tongue beating heap of hops in the whirlpool. This is as hop forward as it gets. Orange, tangerine, papaya, pine, grapefruit, and mango shall waft forth. Very tropical. Nugzilla, Citra, Falconers Flight, and Centennial hops perfection. Grumpy Giraffe, Funny Ferret, Sophisticated Owl, Ostentatious Ocelot, Cantankerous Coatimundi…you know the drill.
Recent techniques and scienc-y scientists discovered dry hopping in the presence of yeast and post fermentation provide different reactions with hops in beer creating more variety, flavor, and aroma. We want it all and get it here as Adjective Animal takes a carnival ride through the Hop Drop Forest
I guess you can see why I would like it! Sounds like it would be over the top and bitter but it's not. It doesn't slap your face or beat your tongue up, it just tastes great and I hope they continue to distribute here.