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Hops Purchase
Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 8:14 am
by John Sand
I'm buying fresh hops. Usually I pick up what I need per batch, (plus some) or see bulk on sale and buy. Lately I've been trying to go through what I have on hand, substituting where practical. Now I'm planning to buy 4oz packages of varieties I use often. I did a general review of my hop use last year to guide me. I brew APAs, IPAs, and Belgian Pales more than any other style. Here is my list:
4oz @
Farmhouse Brewing has good prices and variety. Any other suggestions for hop variety or supplier?
Re: Hops Purchse
Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 11:01 am
by Jon
Not a variety suggestion, but if you brew 5+ gallon batches, I'd think about going bigger than 4 oz for varieties you plan to put in an IPA.
One IPA recipe can easily call for more than 4 oz of hops--though if you're not going single hopped (or a single late hop), it's not such an issue.
Re: Hops Purchse
Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 11:06 am
by BigPapaG
Maybe some Hallertau Mittlefrau for those Belgians... And some Styrian Goldings or Fuggles?
Th last two are really nice with EKG and in Belgians in general and the Hallertau Mittlefrau is a great lower alpha noble hop to have around. It plays nice in a lot of recipes, is nicely floral and very tasty.
![cool :cool:](./images/smilies/cool.gif)
Re: Hops Purchase
Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 1:16 pm
by John Sand
Thanks guys.
Jon, I almost never single hop anything. I may need more hops, but I want to avoid keeping them over a year, as I have now.
Papa, I probably will get one more noble hop, thanks.
Re: Hops Purchase
Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 3:37 pm
by Beer-lord
Farmhouse is my go to hop supplier. My freezer likes them!
Re: Hops Purchase
Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 9:08 pm
by Kealia
I buy either from More Beer or my organic LHBS that is 7 minutes away from home so I don't have to pay for shipping.
So I guess I am really no help, sorry.
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Re: Hops Purchase
Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 11:50 pm
by mashani
I don't know if you can find French Aramis but it's great in any Belgian or Wheat beer or Saison, and even is good in IPAs as one of the hops. It's a cross between Witbread Goldings and Streisselspalt. I love the hop. It can sub for any spicy type noble hop. I don't know how much Saaz you have, but if it's not a huge amount and you'd like something a bit different, it's something I would pick up if you can find it. It is great as a single hop with an estery yeast, or in a mix with a more neutral yeast. It's complex, but nothing is in your face, it just blends in. And yeah, I agree with Big Papa that a floral noble hop and some Styrian Goldings would be good.
Re: Hops Purchase
Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 11:15 am
by John Sand
thanks guys. I just ordered 2# of hops, that ought to hold me for a while.
Mash, I did order Aramis, and Mittelfruh.