All you need to do is create an account on (if you havent already) and enter the Promotional Code: WEHAVEBEER Once you have entered the code everything you order will receive the BeerBorg Discount. Not just this time but every time you place an order.
Please read below from BrewDemon for specific directions on how to become part of this group.
The savings will change from time to time and not just a set percentage across the board as it is now.To join this group you must create an account by selecting "create an account" at the top of our home page. Then at the top of the registration page there will be a box to enter your Promotional Code…complete the form and click continue. That's it, you're all logged in. And once you are logged in, you should see the special BeerBorg pricing.
Unfortunately, there is no place to add this Promo code if you are already a customer (we are working on this). But until then, if you already have an account, email customer service or send me (BrewDemon) a private message (with your email address) and I will move you into this group.