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Paying it forward.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:48 am
by brewnewb
I try to support a small LHBS from time to time even though he is MUCH farther away than my local beer distibutor that now sells home brew supplies.

That said, my wife and I have decided to down size and sold our house in our really cool and fun neighborhood. With the downsize in motion, there are some things that just have to go. I thought about selling on craigslist but don't have time to run around meeting people.

Sooooooo, I packed up ALL of my bottling supplies and took them to that small LHBS and donated it to them. I gave them 3 dozen 16oz EZ Cap bottles, 3 cases of Straub 16oz returnable bottles, a dozen 32oz EZ Cap bottles, 1200 bottle caps, a bottle capper and a bottling wand.

The employee asked why I wasn't selling these and I said I'd rather have them sell these at a discount and get more people involved in our hobby.

The owner was not in but the employee asked me to leave my name and number so the owner can contact me.

Hopefully good karma will come my way and my next batch in the new house will turn out fantastic. :)

Re: Paying it forward.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:10 pm
by BlackDuck
That's a great gesture. And I hope it does come around for you. Not only am I sure the next batch in the new house will be fantastic, it may even be "on the house" thanks to the owner of the store.

Re: Paying it forward.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:18 pm
by Inkleg
Nice! Good things will come from this.

Re: Paying it forward.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:18 pm
by Beer-lord
Good on ya!
Good luck on the move.

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