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How Dave was stupid X 2

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:10 pm
by FedoraDave
In my defense, I've been really busy at work, and it sometimes makes me distracted and doesn't allow me to think straight. And I've paid the price. Times two. Here's the sitch:

I decided last weekend to clean out my keezer lines. And I dismantled the tap faucets and soaked them in PBW and rinsed them really well, and re-assembled them. And I had difficulty with one of them, but I kept working at it, and I worked a little too hard, and a little less smart with it, and when I hooked up the keglet of Weizenheimer, it was obvious the faucet was toast. So I disconnected the beer line and ordered another tap online.

It arrived today, and I installed it, easy-peasy lemon squeezy. But then I figured I could tap a pint of Weizenheimer, since it had been nearly a week. Well guess what! I shut off the CO2 feed, so the keglet wasn't charging this whole week.

Yeah, I've been really busy at work, and I just don't think straight sometimes. Gotta wait another week before i can enjoy a refreshing, 5% Weizen, which would go down real easy right about now.

Re: How Dave was stupid X 2

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:41 pm
by bpgreen

Re: How Dave was stupid X 2

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 4:49 am
by FedoraDave
The pipeline hasn't dried up completely. I'm bottling a 2.5g batch tomorrow, and kegging a fiver the week after that. And I still have half a keg of White Panama.

But I feel reelly stoopit about this whole situation.