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Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 7:56 am
by russki
How do you name your beers? Do you go with a generic descriptor, or try to be funny/witty? Do you ever think of a cool name first and then try to create a recipe for it?

I'm thinking of brewing a beer with Cluster and Fuggle hops, and calling it "Clusterfug" :banana:

Let's hear from the Borg!

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:11 am
by BeerRust
russki wrote:How do you name your beers? Do you go with a generic descriptor, or try to be funny/witty? Do you ever think of a cool name first and then try to create a recipe for it?

I'm thinking of brewing a beer with Cluster and Fuggle hops, and calling it "Clusterfug" :banana:

Let's hear from the Borg!
I like that.

Sometimes I do. I try to alway come up with something but it does not always work. My last batch I called 18cent Orange Pils. Its a orange Pilnsner that I used Centential hops at 18 minutes.

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:18 am
by RickBeer
I think it's a waste of time. I name a beer, call it by name, and get no response... :laugh

Seems like this got asked recently. My response was that I'm very innovative. When I brewed my Moosedrool Clone I called it Moosedrool I. The next time I brew it it will be Moosedrool II. To come up with this strategy, I employed several OSU grads for several months, assisted by an MSU intern and they came up with this methodology. I promised them Homebrew as payment, and they each left with a cup of coffee that I had brewed here at home, quite happy.

Where is JoeChianti when you need him?

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:59 am
by Brewbirds
Where is JoeChianti when you need him?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yep right up his alley. Ruski should have said hey Joe I need to name a beer where are you?

Fugster could work. But if you need a hop related name I would see if Beer-Lord has any left. I think he does stuff like HighBU-a MENSA inspired brew or "H AAU! Hop right there" a beat cop brew. :p

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:10 am
by Gymrat
I named the jalapeno beer I did a couple years ago "Fire in the Bunghole ale"

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:18 am
by RickBeer
Way, way too much information.

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:52 am
by Tabasco
I'm pretty boring ... I name a lot of 'em things like "Tab Stout", or "Tom's IPA". My favorite name was Tabacker, a collaboration IPA with Packerduf. That beer is great.

Funniest name I saw ... my friend who homebrews ... has some chickens and a rooster. When we camp on his property for motorcycle weekends, we always talk about how the rooster wakes everyone up too early.

So, a couple years ago he had a batch bottled with a label with a picture of a rooster ... and the beer was called "Morning Cock". On the bottom of the label it said "There's Nothing Like a Good Head on your Morning Cock".

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:06 am
by FedoraDave
Originally, I intended to name my beers after hats, but that got too difficult and tedious. Also, for some reason, I haven't nailed down the recipes for either White Panama or Trilby Brown Ale, even though many other beers I've made have come out great first time around, and I've replicated them well.

I just try to come up with innovative names that seem catchy and somewhat descriptive or funny. In my current regular rotation, I've got FedoraDave's American Ale, Crown Top Pale Ale, Kingpin IPA, 2Daves Irish Red, South Ferry Steam Beer, and Amber's Amber Lager.

Crown Top means nothing, when you think about it, but it sounds good. When I chose the name Kingpin, I was in a bowling frame of mind, and actually meant "Head Pin", but Kingpin sounds better. 2Daves Irish Red was a Recipe Collaboration Exchange brew that I did with Knightmare, who is also named Dave, so the name was just a natural. South Ferry Steam Beer is an homage to the method of conveyance we always took to get to our vacation home on Shelter Island. And Amber's Amber Lager is named for a friend of mine, and again, it just seemed like a natural.

I've also made Suddenly! Saison, so named because it was a spur-of-the-moment decision to brew a saison, and Big Spider Bock, which is a play on the name of the Jazz-era trumpeter Bix Beiderbecke. I'm easily amused.

Yesterday, I brewed a batch of Pearly Pils, which I named after my hometown. I like the alliteration, and Pearly just seems to have a nice, clean connotation to it, which I think suits a Pilsner.

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:47 am
by Rayyankee
Idont name my beers, But SWMBO does. She asks me what is in them and the style it is supposed to be and comes up with a name. such as i made a pilsner with a touch of Honey Malt so she named it" Pooh Bear Pilsner ". I think this is funny that she names my beer since when i started this hobby 3 plus years ago, she gave me crap about doing it and now she names all my beers. :lol:

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:49 am
by Beer-lord
Most of mine come from just talking with friends about beer or while we're jamming and someone says something funny. Or, sometimes it just pops in my head.

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:25 am
by TimeTraveler
I'm thinking of brewing a beer with Cluster and Fuggle hops, and calling it "Clusterfug"

I think you should call it the "Mr. Beer Board ale" since it clearly is a "Clusterfug"!

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:51 am
by joechianti
I think I fall into the boring category here. I've named all my beers by their batch number sequence. When pressed by guests for more descriptive names, I usually call them, according to the ingredients, things like "light-bodied and hoppy", or "heavy-bodied and hoppy", etc. Once in awhile the names get even a little more specific, when convenient, such as, "hoppy wheat", or Ken's special brew" (when I make one customized to one friend's particular tastes), but that's about it. More often than not, it's, "would you like to try a sample of batch 52 and tell me what you think?", etc.

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:05 pm
by T8rSalad
I have come to name my brews by the first thing I see in the morning after my brewday...Weird thing is almost all my brews are either "Woody something or other" or "SWMBO something or other" or "Frisbee something or other"...been doing it since early 2012.

:lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies:

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:11 pm
by mashani
For some reason I name my frankenbiers, but not my more true to style beers.

Re: Beer names

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:13 pm
by mtsoxfan
Also in the boring catagory, I tell it as it is, unless I am using someone's recipe, then I give credit where due... names like Belgium tripel, Oatmeal Stout...