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Session Ale With Hop Stand

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:40 am
by MadBrewer
Friday I brewed up what I hope to be a nice little session ale. I have added hop stands to batches before, but I have never done one for a hoppy beer where ALL the late hops that I would have added to the boil for flavor and aroma additions where instead added as a hop stand. So this batch has a small bittering charge and then a hop stand for 45 min that started about 180* and was down to the 160's after 45 mins. I wanted to gauge what that alone would do for a hoppy beer and I can use that or adjust for hoppy beers to come.

5.5 Gal Batch. Came in around 1.045, 6-ish SRM

4 lbs. 2 Row
4 lbs. Red Wheat
1 lb. Vienna
1 lb. Crystal 20

.5 oz. Columbus 60 min.

45 min hop stand started at 180*
3 oz. Amarillo
1 oz. Crystal

Going to dry hop with 2 oz. Amarillo and .5 oz. Columbus

Wanted to mash higher, but only hit about 152* and just went with it.
Pitched Nottingham and fermenting 66-68*.

Re: Session Ale With Hop Stand

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 1:40 pm
by berryman
Sounds Good MB. I should think about brewing something like this also, I like a IPA once and awhile but most of the ones I make get me after a couple or so.
Edit: I like Amarillo hops, I did a PA with only Amarillo once and liked it a lot.

Re: Session Ale With Hop Stand

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:17 pm
by Beer-lord
I've definitely got a few low ABV beers planned coming up and I think wheat and Vienna are perfect to give the beer the body it needs to not feel like a lite beer.
That beer looks tasty!

Re: Session Ale With Hop Stand

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:03 am
by MadBrewer
I 50/50 bottle/kegged this last night after dry hopping a few days. Finished out about 1.008 with the Notty and having a lower OG and mash temp than I wanted but it's not a bad thing. A little session beer is good to have around. I just hope the good portion of wheat and crystal malt retain some mouthfeel. Sample tasted pretty decent. I think I will be doing more large whirlpool/hop stands :beer: