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Harvested my hops last night

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:04 pm
by duff
Came home last night to find message on my door stating that they would be powerwashing and repainting the decks/balconies starting at 8 AM this morning.

So it meant that at 11PM I started harvesting my hops. I ended up with 3.2 oz which I think would have been quite a bit more if some of the smaller ones kept growing. Even though it is not a lot I am glad because during one of the humid heatwaves mushrooms appeared in the soil and all the leaves on the vines turned brown and died. But a couple weeks later the new growth appeared at the bottom and climbed up all the old growth.

Hopefully I will have the time to use them this weekend.

I'll try to get pictures posted of the hops after harvest after my DSL get hooked back up tomorrow(why AT&T has to disconnect the DSL for 1 week to remove the phone line from the plan I don't know.)

Re: Harvested my hops last night

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 6:07 pm
by philm00x
Man that sucks that your were forced to harvest prematurely. But at least you'll get some beer from it :)

Re: Harvested my hops last night

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 6:58 pm
by Inkleg
3.2oz of home grown hops is 3.2oz more than I have. :redface: Is this your first year?
I have a great place to grow them. The problem is if doesn't meow or bark, it doesn't get fed. Hops may not stand a chance.

Re: Harvested my hops last night

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:21 pm
by duff
This is the second year with the hops and they are in a container. They don't really need to much attention from my limited experience. Water every few days. They seem to do best with letting the soil get dry before watering again.

Re: Harvested my hops last night

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:23 pm
by philm00x
I plan to grow some in a container next year. Will definitely take from your experience and water when the soil dries. Any particular type of soil used? Or just some bag of dirt will do?

Re: Harvested my hops last night

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:33 pm
by duff
I used Miracle Grow potting mix. After I planted I saw people swear that Miracle Grow potting mix was awful for growing hops but it worked very well the first year. I also used Miracle Grow Tomato fertilizer at the begining of the year cause it's what my room mate had.

If you are planning on potting next year you may want to start looking at pots because the one I got is normally $50 from Lowes and I got it in September when they put all their plants on clearance for for $10.

Re: Harvested my hops last night

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:47 pm
by philm00x
How big a pot did you use?

Re: Harvested my hops last night

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:22 pm
by duff
It's the biggest I could find at the store. The inner diameter is something strange like 29 inches and and it's fairly tall. I'll get out to my garage tomorrow and measure it.

Re: Harvested my hops last night

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:18 am
by philm00x
Ok.. maybe I can convince the wife to come out to Lowe's w/ me tonight and check stuff out.