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It Worked on the Pig

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:45 pm
by joechianti
I finally got to test my theory about using a hand held co2 dispenser to pressurize a Party Pig and totally bypass the expensive pressure pouch. I'm happy to say, it looks like it's gonna work just fine. I had a batch of Prince Ludwig that I naturally carbonated in the Pig for about 2 months. Stuck it in fridge and once it was cold, started drawing off it. Worked okay for a couple drinks, then slowed down to a trickle. Took it out of fridge, stood it up, stuffed one end of the tube up the pigs nose and the other end over the co2 dispenser's nozzle. Pulled the trigger for a few seconds while holding down the button on Pig's spout and then drew off a nice glass of beer. Now to see how long each shot of co2 lasts. This is very good news for anyone who has ever used a Party Pig and had to buy the pouches. If this continues to work well, I would have no hesitation to buy a couple more Pigs to use without any pouches ever again.

Re: It Worked on the Pig

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:48 pm
by Gymrat
Be careful with those hand held dispensers. Some of them contain oil from the manufacturing process. It is critical that you make sure they are labeled for food dispensing.

Re: It Worked on the Pig

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:50 am
by joechianti
Gymrat wrote:Be careful with those hand held dispensers. Some of them contain oil from the manufacturing process. It is critical that you make sure they are labeled for food dispensing.
Great point. I figured as much. Had a shot at a cheaper one, but spent the few extra bucks to get one directly from the party Pig store, so I feel pretty safe about that.

BTW, the flow was not as strong as I wanted, so I put another shot of co2 in today, and this time I overdid it so it comes out super foamy. But that will die down, it always does. I think this method is gonna work. And save a some time, trouble, and money over the air bags.

Re: It Worked on the Pig

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:46 am
by Brewbirds
How weird is this while you were typing this post I was sending you a PM. There is a guy who will give me a Party Pig and I wanted to see if you ever finished your project. I guess it is worth the gas to go into to town and get it.

So Joe, you have a PM. :jumpy:

Re: It Worked on the Pig

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:52 am
by Gymrat
joechianti wrote:
Gymrat wrote:Be careful with those hand held dispensers. Some of them contain oil from the manufacturing process. It is critical that you make sure they are labeled for food dispensing.
Great point. I figured as much. Had a shot at a cheaper one, but spent the few extra bucks to get one directly from the party Pig store, so I feel pretty safe about that.

BTW, the flow was not as strong as I wanted, so I put another shot of co2 in today, and this time I overdid it so it comes out super foamy. But that will die down, it always does. I think this method is gonna work. And save a some time, trouble, and money over the air bags.
You should be good to go on that one. You can get sanitary ones through midwestsupplies or Northern Brewer also.

Re: It Worked on the Pig

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:56 am
by Brewbirds
Here is my free Party Pig to rig like Joe's. :banana: :banana:

Party Pig 001.JPG
Party Pig 001.JPG (47.25 KiB) Viewed 1542 times

Re: It Worked on the Pig

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:12 pm
by DaYooper
How many pours have you been getting out of it per shot?

Re: It Worked on the Pig

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:23 pm
by joechianti
DaYooper wrote:How many pours have you been getting out of it per shot?
It varies. The shots of co2 are not uniform at all, and then sometimes I draw several glasses in one day and then don't draw anymore for a few days, so it's hard to measure any consistency. One time I didn't shoot enough, so the stream was slow. So I decided to add more, and I shot too much, and had a lot of foam for awhile. Another time I shot too much again, and not just foam, but I blew the plastic regulator insert right off and it was floating in the beer. I have to say, this is something that will require practice to develop the "touch" for. But I think it's worth the effort.

Re: It Worked on the Pig

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:26 pm
by joechianti
Brewbirds wrote:Here is my free Party Pig to rig like Joe's. :banana: :banana:

Party Pig 001.JPG
I just now saw this post. Looks like you did great. Three pressure pouches plus an insulated sleeve. That's cool.
:banana: :banana: :banana:

Re: It Worked on the Pig

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:23 pm
by Brewbirds
And I'm going to give them all to you most likely next time we meet. The guy said the pouches were old and may not be good so you should probably rely on your CO2 experiment to use it.

PS sorry to here that our "elected officials" ( won't start a rant here) screwed you my friend. Hope everything works out in the end but know that Andy and I are thinking about you.

Good news: if you can't go to work we can do another BBQ or something. :banana: :banana:

Re: It Worked on the Pig

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:16 pm
by joechianti
Brewbirds wrote:And I'm going to give them all to you most likely next time we meet. The guy said the pouches were old and may not be good so you should probably rely on your CO2 experiment to use it.

PS sorry to here that our "elected officials" ( won't start a rant here) screwed you my friend. Hope everything works out in the end but know that Andy and I are thinking about you.

Good news: if you can't go to work we can do another BBQ or something. :banana: :banana:
Now that sounds fantastic. I would be thrilled to have another BBQ.

You guys are struggling with this shut down, also, I take it from another thread I saw. Half pay is much better than no pay at all, so I applied for unemployment, but they hold the first week in the hole, then pay bi-weekly, so it may take awhile to see any grocery money. Luckily we buy when we can and always have a few weeks stashed around the house. Plus they're toying with the idea of giving federal workers back pay when the shut down is over. I think that's insane, because then they should never have shut down in the first place, but they've already got me reeling financially anyway, so I'll welcome a life boat, no matter where it comes from.

If it comes down to the nitty gritty for you and Andy, please let me know and I'll share some of my stash of groceries with you until this thing is over. I'm glad I bought a boat load of half-price brew ingredients while I had the chance. All I need now is water and I can keep brewing even without a paycheck. Now, hanging on to the house is another story. But I think this whole thing will blow over within a month or less, and I sure hope I'm right.

So what are you saying there? You don't wanna take a chance on the pressure pouches? I'd say go for it. If it doesn't pop open and you're sure of it, all you lost is a little time. Just open up the pig's snout again, pull out the pouch, and seal it back up to naturally carbonate and condition for a month or so. By that time, you can acquire the Co2 dispenser and get the beer into your glass that way.

Have you given any thought to the Tap-A-Draft thing? You can just buy the tap and use it on 3 liter soda bottles. It's a little skid row method of kegging, but it's a $30 entry investment and it's as easy as pie.