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Need help on a IPA decision

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 2:59 pm
by berryman
I have a IPA that I have brewed quite a few times and have refined it, last year I got a first place in the IPA cat. at our county fair with it. I would like to enter it again this year but here is my question. It was bottled 4/28/18 I have been drinking on them and I think the best of that style I have made to date, but the fair isn't until the end of July and I am worried about loosing too much of the hop flavor. It is a high IBU beer and over 8 ABV. it is well balanced but am afraid if I loose some of the hop presence it will just be a fairly high bitter beer. Should I save a couple bottles to enter or brew another batch and would have to be soon?

Re: Need help on a IPA decision

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 4:04 pm
by FedoraDave
First, congratulations on brewing such a great IPA!

But IPAs are better if they're sampled when the hops is still powerful. Their influence fades after too long, and you're right to be concerned that you'll wind up with a "high bitter beer", or worse, a namby-pamby IPA without the kick you intend.

End of July is still enough time to brew a batch (immediately!) and have it bottled and at a peak when the judging is done.

Tell ya whut...brew another batch, and then keep some of the current bottles around, so you can compare the two when the time comes to submit your entries. I think you'll notice a difference, and it'll give you a comparison on which batch you want to enter.

But brew another batch right away. It's only mid-to-late May, so you've got a good eight weeks, I'm guessing, before you need to submit an entry. You really have plenty of time, so, as the French say, "Go for eet."

And good luck with the competition. You got this, Berry.

Re: Need help on a IPA decision

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 5:13 pm
by Kealia
I would agree with Dave on the "brew another batch" recommendation.

Yes, IPAs are great young and fresh but I've had some that are still great at 3 months old with very little difference. Since I'm not a scientist I can't tell you if the ones that lasted were a certain hops, how/when they were hopped (late/hopstand, etc.) or just a massive amount of hops used!

I would absolutely do another batch and then test them when you are ready to send in your entries. You may find that the "aged" version is smoother and crisper - or you may find that it has indeed lost its "pop" and need to send the fresh bottles.

And yeah, congrats on the win last year.

Re: Need help on a IPA decision

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 9:30 pm
by John Sand
I think the suggestion to brew again is a good one. I'll add that I would refrigerate bottles from the current batch in an effort to limit changes.

Re: Need help on a IPA decision

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 9:17 pm
by berryman
I guess this isn’t going to happen again this year, I am drinking the last one now and too busy to brew it again in time. Might be able to get a wheat for the fair.

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Re: Need help on a IPA decision

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:43 pm
by Tabasco
You know you brew great IPA's ... don't worry about entering for an award again. You're already proven. Brew another batch when you have the time, and when it's conditioned and ready, enjoy. Then, give yourself an award by drinking the rest of the batch.