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Favorite yeast for Bitters & Milds?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 8:50 pm
by Yalc
Hello, new here, great site!!
I have an affinity for Wyeast 1469 West Yorkshire. Makes a great Bitter or Mild but wondering if I am missing out by being so Myopic.
What are your faves for the Brit styles and why?

Re: Favorite yeast for Bitters & Milds?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 9:01 pm
by mashani
I love West Yorkshire. It is perhaps my favorite British yeast. If you like that you would also like Ringwood, but Ringwood is even more finicky and easy to make a diacetyl bomb with if your not doing it right.

WLP013 London Ale Yeast is really nice in bitters, especially with EKG hops, it provides an "toasted oak" like ester that play against them well.

From a dry yeast standpoint, I like the Lallemand London ESB the best for bitters/milds. It doesn't ferment out maltotriose, so if you mash at a medum/full body temp, you can make a very full bodied low ABV mild with it. For a bitter where you want a lighter body, it works well when using some sugar, and it's a good yeast to play around with when making early-mid 1900s style British ales like you might find on Barklay Perkins with a good bit of caramelized / candi sugar in it as part of the flavor and color component.

Re: Favorite yeast for Bitters & Milds?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 9:04 pm
by Beer-lord
Welcome yalc. Glad you found us.

Re: Favorite yeast for Bitters & Milds?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 10:02 pm
by John Sand
Welcome aboard!
I also stick to what works for me, which is Nottingham and S04.

Re: Favorite yeast for Bitters & Milds?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 7:07 am
by Inkleg
Welcome Yalc great to have you here!

I have only used Wyeast 1968 London ESB in ESB's, some Ambers and a few IPA's and all have been great. You do bring up a good point so I'm off to research 1469 now and expand my all things British yeast knowledge.