A possibly stupid "raw" Grätzer bier experiment
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:56 pm
In that BEERMKR thread I said I might do this, and I am just for the hell of it and because it lets me play with ideas from Larzblog too.
So I have all this oak smoked wheat, so I wanted to try a Grätzer. But absolutely know for sure I would not like a 100% smoked wheat beer, so I based this on a different 19th century commercial German Grätzer bier recipe I found that is 65% smoked wheat, and 35% Pilsner. Even that sounded like too much, so I went with a 60/40 mix to target a 1.042ish pre-boil wort @3.5 gallons (1/2 gallon of kettle loss). Except I'm not boiling, so the 1.042ish is what it is. Even though I'm not going to do a "mashout", nor stir the mash, I am still going with 85% mash efficiency in these calculations because of how long the mash is gonna be. (see below).
So for the BEERMKR part, that thing doesn't boil. It doesn't even come close to boiling. It just mashes @150 and never heats it above 150... and they use pre-isomerized hops for AAUs. Or you can use really high AA regular hops and/or a lot more of them and get similar effect, except for whatever downside there is there (more flavor/aroma then intended).
Since I'm not sure I'm going to like this beer that much at all anyway (but maybe I will, I do like this smoked wheat in smaller amounts), I figured it was a good one to see if it would make beer, or make garbage doing something like it in my Mash & Boil. I will easily be able to tell the difference between the process making garbage or me simply not liking it if it's too smoked for me to stand. Although I'm trying to make sure that doesn't happen by adjusting the amounts / using pils.
So for the Larzblog, part, I know that there are also many brewers out "there" (as in northern/eastern European farmhouse brewers) that use Pilsner all the time and do not even remotely boil it as well, lots of their beer is "raw" like this, just mashed and then fermented directly. And supposedly the results can be good if not great. The one caveat is they often do really long duration mashes.
So for the mash I am following the basic process that the BEERMKR does, as in I just put my grains in cold campden treated water, set the Mash & Boil to 150 and 1000 watts, and then like one of those Northern European types I'm just doing other stuff for 3 1/2 hours. (I have no idea how long the BIERMKR mashes for, but I needed this long for my hop utilization to work out, and since I know people do this somewhere, I figure it will be ok). About 1/2 hour of that time is the mash & boil heating to 150, which will take me through acid/glucan/protein, and high fermentable sacc temps (briefly) before it settles at 150. Which is more or less what the BEERMKR does to avoid protein haze and such. If it doesn't work I'll end up with haze, but lots of the raw farmhouse beers are hazy, especially going into the fermenter, which has no impact on their flavor, so that doesn't matter to me for this experiment, it will just be interesting to see which happens.
I don't have proper Polish hops, and even if I did the AAUs would be too low for this to work, so instead I threw 1.25oz of Hallertau Blanc hops (9.7%AA) right into the mash.
Everything I can find says a 30-40 minute hop stand at 150 will give you about 5% of the AAU utilization you would get in a 60 minute boil. A 60 minute boil of the hops I have in there would be about 93 IBUs, 5% of that would be 4.65 IBUs, but I am effectively hop standing for 5-6x that long, so I am going with a guess of 25-30% utilization compared to a 60 minute boil. That would put me somewhere between 23-27 IBUs or so. Which is about where I would want this beer, and it is enough to suppress lacto pretty well, although at 150 for that long it should pretty much be dead.
I will probably get flavor/aroma from the hops, but those things are very mild and you have to use a lot to get much, so I don't think it's a biggie.
As far as DMS/SMS, the key here is the temp, it's hot enough to pasteurize, but not hot enough to make significant amounts those things. Larz has never mentioned DMS issues in any of the raw beers and the BEERMKR people are saying this works too. So we will see.
I don't know what the OG is yet, I will find out when I pour it into the fermenter around midnight.
I'll be using S-05 in this.
I'll let you know what the OG actually is and what else happens as things continue to happen.
EDIT: BTW, I am doing this full volume no-sparge BIAB style, with water volume calculated to include absorption but excluding the boil off amount. I'm also just totally ignoring it, not stirring or anything. Because the "idea" is to save work. Assuming it works. I wouldn't do this all the time regardless, but it might be useful for some things if it works.
EDIT EDIT: So I screwed up my volume calculation slightly and ended up with 3.75 gallons of wort instead of 3.5. My measured temperature adjusted gravity was 1.040, which is about right considering that. I tasted the wort and it didn't taste disgustingly sweet compared to what I would have thought it would be, nor too smoky to be enjoyable, but we will see about that after the sugars ferment out. But it seems like the hops did something. It would actually have been a good warm "after winter skiing" beverage the way it was. What went into the fermenter was slightly hazy, but no more then any other wheat beer wort I've ever made. So we will see.
EDIT EDIT EDIT: But clearly the 1st "downside" of this process is just figuring out how to figure out stuff. But I've figured out weird processes before so if this works I'm sure I can nail it down over time. The BEERMKR people I'm sure have it nailed down in how their machine works. And the farmhouse brewers who do the long mash/raw beers, they don't care about precisely how many IBUs they get or an exact OG, they just make beer following a formula and don't stress about it. So I guess "downside" is relative, as long as the results are good. We will see. I'll just RDWHAHB.
EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT: I should mention that this mash was very free flowing when I pulled the basket. I did not use any rice hulls. The 60% wheat was no problem at all, it seems that the "step up mash" that went through all the rest steps, and the long duration of it, along with the BIAB like full volume solved any gooey mash issues. So that was cool. Also cool was nothing at all stuck to the burner of the Mash & Boil, so clean up was very easy. There was stuff on the burner that might have burned to a crisp if I did boil it, but it was just goo and wiped right off.
So I have all this oak smoked wheat, so I wanted to try a Grätzer. But absolutely know for sure I would not like a 100% smoked wheat beer, so I based this on a different 19th century commercial German Grätzer bier recipe I found that is 65% smoked wheat, and 35% Pilsner. Even that sounded like too much, so I went with a 60/40 mix to target a 1.042ish pre-boil wort @3.5 gallons (1/2 gallon of kettle loss). Except I'm not boiling, so the 1.042ish is what it is. Even though I'm not going to do a "mashout", nor stir the mash, I am still going with 85% mash efficiency in these calculations because of how long the mash is gonna be. (see below).
So for the BEERMKR part, that thing doesn't boil. It doesn't even come close to boiling. It just mashes @150 and never heats it above 150... and they use pre-isomerized hops for AAUs. Or you can use really high AA regular hops and/or a lot more of them and get similar effect, except for whatever downside there is there (more flavor/aroma then intended).
Since I'm not sure I'm going to like this beer that much at all anyway (but maybe I will, I do like this smoked wheat in smaller amounts), I figured it was a good one to see if it would make beer, or make garbage doing something like it in my Mash & Boil. I will easily be able to tell the difference between the process making garbage or me simply not liking it if it's too smoked for me to stand. Although I'm trying to make sure that doesn't happen by adjusting the amounts / using pils.
So for the Larzblog, part, I know that there are also many brewers out "there" (as in northern/eastern European farmhouse brewers) that use Pilsner all the time and do not even remotely boil it as well, lots of their beer is "raw" like this, just mashed and then fermented directly. And supposedly the results can be good if not great. The one caveat is they often do really long duration mashes.
So for the mash I am following the basic process that the BEERMKR does, as in I just put my grains in cold campden treated water, set the Mash & Boil to 150 and 1000 watts, and then like one of those Northern European types I'm just doing other stuff for 3 1/2 hours. (I have no idea how long the BIERMKR mashes for, but I needed this long for my hop utilization to work out, and since I know people do this somewhere, I figure it will be ok). About 1/2 hour of that time is the mash & boil heating to 150, which will take me through acid/glucan/protein, and high fermentable sacc temps (briefly) before it settles at 150. Which is more or less what the BEERMKR does to avoid protein haze and such. If it doesn't work I'll end up with haze, but lots of the raw farmhouse beers are hazy, especially going into the fermenter, which has no impact on their flavor, so that doesn't matter to me for this experiment, it will just be interesting to see which happens.
I don't have proper Polish hops, and even if I did the AAUs would be too low for this to work, so instead I threw 1.25oz of Hallertau Blanc hops (9.7%AA) right into the mash.
Everything I can find says a 30-40 minute hop stand at 150 will give you about 5% of the AAU utilization you would get in a 60 minute boil. A 60 minute boil of the hops I have in there would be about 93 IBUs, 5% of that would be 4.65 IBUs, but I am effectively hop standing for 5-6x that long, so I am going with a guess of 25-30% utilization compared to a 60 minute boil. That would put me somewhere between 23-27 IBUs or so. Which is about where I would want this beer, and it is enough to suppress lacto pretty well, although at 150 for that long it should pretty much be dead.
I will probably get flavor/aroma from the hops, but those things are very mild and you have to use a lot to get much, so I don't think it's a biggie.
As far as DMS/SMS, the key here is the temp, it's hot enough to pasteurize, but not hot enough to make significant amounts those things. Larz has never mentioned DMS issues in any of the raw beers and the BEERMKR people are saying this works too. So we will see.
I don't know what the OG is yet, I will find out when I pour it into the fermenter around midnight.
I'll be using S-05 in this.
I'll let you know what the OG actually is and what else happens as things continue to happen.
EDIT: BTW, I am doing this full volume no-sparge BIAB style, with water volume calculated to include absorption but excluding the boil off amount. I'm also just totally ignoring it, not stirring or anything. Because the "idea" is to save work. Assuming it works. I wouldn't do this all the time regardless, but it might be useful for some things if it works.
EDIT EDIT: So I screwed up my volume calculation slightly and ended up with 3.75 gallons of wort instead of 3.5. My measured temperature adjusted gravity was 1.040, which is about right considering that. I tasted the wort and it didn't taste disgustingly sweet compared to what I would have thought it would be, nor too smoky to be enjoyable, but we will see about that after the sugars ferment out. But it seems like the hops did something. It would actually have been a good warm "after winter skiing" beverage the way it was. What went into the fermenter was slightly hazy, but no more then any other wheat beer wort I've ever made. So we will see.
EDIT EDIT EDIT: But clearly the 1st "downside" of this process is just figuring out how to figure out stuff. But I've figured out weird processes before so if this works I'm sure I can nail it down over time. The BEERMKR people I'm sure have it nailed down in how their machine works. And the farmhouse brewers who do the long mash/raw beers, they don't care about precisely how many IBUs they get or an exact OG, they just make beer following a formula and don't stress about it. So I guess "downside" is relative, as long as the results are good. We will see. I'll just RDWHAHB.
EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT: I should mention that this mash was very free flowing when I pulled the basket. I did not use any rice hulls. The 60% wheat was no problem at all, it seems that the "step up mash" that went through all the rest steps, and the long duration of it, along with the BIAB like full volume solved any gooey mash issues. So that was cool. Also cool was nothing at all stuck to the burner of the Mash & Boil, so clean up was very easy. There was stuff on the burner that might have burned to a crisp if I did boil it, but it was just goo and wiped right off.