Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 7:58 pm
When you look for one (beer) thing and find another. We went to a brewery opening today, it was too crowded to even get inside. So we took a ride, stopped at a tag sale, etc. A beautiful day on the island. Heading east to check out another brewery, we stopped for food at a really good barbecue spot. I ordered a kolsch from Captain Lawrence Brewing, about 90 miles away. Back at my table, I enjoyed the beer, and asked Jane to taste it. A guy at the next table, also drinking it, asked if I liked it. I said "I do, it's a great example of the style. Do you?" He replied "I make it" He's the brewing manager at Captain Lawrence, and a really nice guy. He gave me his card in case I had any questions. Then we went on to North Fork Brewery and had some good beers in a relaxed setting.