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Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:44 pm
by TinaBells222
Hey there,
This is my first time trying to make some cider and I dont know if I am doing something wrong... its suppose to take a week, but it mine I think is still not done and has yeast on the bottom. My house is kept a little colder then the recommended 64 so I assumed it would take a lil longer then the week. Should i be worried?
Re: Help
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:33 am
by mashani
Rule #1. Don't worry.
That said, if your not sure just wait. It won't hurt to leave it in the fermenter for another week. If you see a layer of yeast at the bottom then you did have fermentation.
What makes you think its not done?
If the reason is that it is still cloudy then just wait, it will clear.
Re: Help
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 8:36 am
by TinaBells222
Thanks! I will just wait it out then. I think it just needs to clear up.
Re: Help
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:55 pm
by FrozenInTime
To me, does not matter if a cider or ale, etc. I don't usualyy touch mine for 3 weeks. I just kegged a hard cider I transferred into a secondary and let sit another 3 months. I don't use kit recopies though, I use straight grain for ale or juice from my trees or frozen from the store, I give it time. It comes out better tasting, IMHO. My rule I follow is 3 weeks in carboy as minimum, depending on what it is, 2 weeks conditioning in keg or bottle, 1 week in the fridge. Mine usually comes out clear/clean and taste very good. Perfection takes time and patience.
I will add, ciders/meads, I let condition for atleast 6 months in keg/bottle before I touch it, sometimes, a year or more.