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New brewer question

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:54 am
by Flyboyretired
I am a new brewer. As all of you I started with a small beginner batch. Fermented for 8 days
; bottled and let sit for 4 days and tried a bottle. I know too fast but. Clarity good. Good co2 But a little bitty and some after taste. Now I want to know the longer I let the bottle sit the better it will get right? Will that bite calm down. I need to hear it from the experienced brewers. Thanks

Re: New brewer question

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:22 am
by Beer-lord
Welcome to the Borg.
It's hard to tell for sure but many times, the bite is diminished as time goes by. The flavors will continue to change slightly as well but it might help to share your recipe so that we might get a better idea of what you started with.
Bottom line is that almost all beers are better as they age----to a point then they can drop off again.

Re: New brewer question

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:36 am
by MadBrewer
Yes, it should certainly get better. A good general rule for those starter kits and even beyond that is the 2-2-2. 2 weeks to ferment, 2 weeks to carbonate in the bottle at room temps and then 2 weeks in the fridge. Each stage has benefits to it and it's a process that can't really be rushed. Bottling after 8 days, the beer may have been done fermenting but letting it go another week the yeast have a chance to clean up the beer, the beer settles a bit and then you are ready for bottling. Giving it 2 weeks to carbonate ensures proper carbonation levels. 2 weeks in the fridge after carbonating gives the beer a chance to clarify and the beer comes together for a finished, more drinkable product.

I know this is more than you asked in your question, but yes it will get better with time and this is why. Welcome to the forum and to the hobby and yes, patience is the hardest part in the beginning. Enjoy

Re: New brewer question

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 8:54 am
by John Sand
Good advice above. Welcome aboard, keep us posted.