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Good people and Bad people
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:12 pm
by berryman
In our county people have set up a network on helping others that might be in need of hard to get items during this virus deal. Our neighbor two houses/farms down the road had a table and tarp set up for free items like paper towels, hand soap TP ect. we donated some stuff too. The weather turned bad here and she couldn't keep stuff nice. I told her she was welcome to use our farmstand which is semi enclosed and out of the weather, ample parking and good visibility from the road and she could check on it easy, but I couldn't baby sit it. All went good for a few days and then someone came in and took most everything and took it to town about 12 miles away and was selling the stuff out of their car. This really makes me mad when others are trying to help in time of need and go above and beyond to do so and some low lifes will take advantage of the situation.
Re: Good people and Bad people
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 4:37 pm
by Beer-lord
I think there are more good people than bad people but stuff like this just pisses me off. WTF do they think they are and why do they think they deserve more than anyone else? My blood pressure goes up when I hear things like this.
Re: Good people and Bad people
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:23 pm
by berryman
I heard the same people have been hitting all the free stands around and cleaning them out to resell. I knew in the beginning there would be greedy people taking more then they need, but didn't even think that would take stuff to resell. I guess I trust people too much.
Re: Good people and Bad people
Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:36 am
by John Sand
I'd rather be a little too optimistic than a little too cynical. You are doing fine Berry. Bad people create their own hell.
Re: Good people and Bad people
Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 5:33 pm
by mashani
berryman wrote:I heard the same people have been hitting all the free stands around and cleaning them out to resell. I knew in the beginning there would be greedy people taking more then they need, but didn't even think that would take stuff to resell. I guess I trust people too much.
This is where all the hand sanitizer and masks at drug stores went around here. There were literally people driving all over town just buying up all of it and then selling it at a markup on eBay and such places.
Doing it with free donate to the needy stuff is even lower then this though.
I'm usually pretty Zen about things, but that makes my inner Viking want to go punch people in the face.