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My first Brewhouse kit

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:56 pm
by creativewoody
Well starting a new adventure this week. I just picked up a brewhouse kit for a honey ale. Not knowing what was involved, I opened up the kit and ....found a giant bag of wort.

yes....a big ole bag of wort.

Also found ph balancer for the water I am adding to the wort I am assuming, big package of coopers yeast, dextrose already measured for priming , and the instructions.

Reading it I laughed out loud...pretty much went like this.

Take bag
Dump in bucket
add water
add yeast

see you in two weeks.

of course the ph balancer needs to be added to the wort but still.....if you've been brewing for a fair bit, this kit seems incredibly simple.

Ill try and post pics as I go through the motions on this one once the weather here calms down.

Still 25 degrees here in bc! :barman:

Re: My first Brewhouse kit

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:18 pm
by swenocha
I did a few of these a few years ago. Generally you'll get good beer. The last one I did, I split up into three batches. One IPA straight up, and two partial mashed with other grains/hops/etc. Fun experiment...

Re: My first Brewhouse kit

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:27 pm
by philm00x
Are there two of this same thread? I'm pretty sure I just replied to it a while ago.