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New to Brew

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:51 am
by aschmeer
Hi everyone,
I'm new to brewing and just recently joined this forum... been reading through posts in the beginners section even though I had already started my first batch.

I bought myself a 2 gal BrewDemon with the pilsner mix included, which will be in its 2nd week of fermentation.
I had bought also John Palmer's book, How to Brew.
Based on the book and BrewDemon's instructions of fermenting for 1 week, I didn't think it was right. Especially after trying the beer... while tasting like flat beer, I could tell it wasn't there yet and very, very cloudy. So the posts here state, ferment/wait around 3 weeks. So... i'm waiting...

Looks like I've doing everything correctly, santization, temps upon of clean water when wort was poured (or at least cooled a bit) and keeping temps in correct range.
I could tell fermenting had started and I see trub at the bottom! Looking forward to seeing the end result!

For many, many years was never really had tried beer... in my younger years, I had an "experience" after drinking way, way too much... you can guess the end result.
Thus my adversion to beer.... until last few years! OMG, love it! Have been trying multiple beers as I've met a lady, who like beer, sports and sports bars, so we sit to watch and have... beer! My aversion is long gone and while still a novice, I'm loving it.

From Connecticut and vistied many breweries in the area.... moved to Florida and visited many breweris there. I found I favor the lighter, wheat beers the most.
Due to work I was relocated to north Kentucky. Well there in Cincinnate, OH found many, many, many breweries! Too many to name!
And it was there that I also discovered my love for Belgian beer! and Bocks! of German decent myself, I had no idea of the beer and German history there.
Even visited an old underground huge underground vault where beer was stored to keep cool way back when.

So again, into my second week of my first batch of beer... looking good so far and hope it come out good.
Also bought the Weizenbeir mix from BrewDemon. Once the Pilsner is bottled, I'll start brewing the Weizenbeir!

Re: New to Brew

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:32 am
by MichaelJ
Welcome! I also am fermenting the BrewDemon pilsner. Not quite done with the first week yet. Due to issues beyond my control I will be required to bottle after 2 weeks. Then the bottles will sit for 2 weeks. It would be interesting to compare the two, at least visually to see how the timing changes things.

Re: New to Brew

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:36 pm
by bpgreen

Re: New to Brew

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:50 am
by John Sand
Welcome aboard Aschmeer! You're off to a good start. Keep us posted.

Re: New to Brew

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 3:15 pm
by Beer-lord
Welcome to the Borg!

Re: New to Brew

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:05 am
by mashani
Welcome aboard! FYI: If you decide to brew your own Belgians, I can help!

Re: New to Brew

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:59 am
by aschmeer
Thanks everyone and thanks mashani... yes would love that!
Still undertanding the different types, etc.
And also I'd like to get a few bews under my belt!

Re: New to Brew

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:00 pm
by The_Professor
mashani wrote:......If you decide to brew your own Belgians, I can help!
The hard part is talking the Belgians into getting in a pot of boiling water. :)