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Bottling issue

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 2:51 pm
by TwoBy
So I bottled my first cider in glass bottles. Added the primer sugar put the caps on and used the bottle capper. Let the bottles sit 2 weeks then cold shocked it. But for some reason my cider is flat. Any suggestions so I don’t mess it up next time?

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Re: Bottling issue

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 1:07 am
by mashani
If they are all like that, either the caps didn't get put on right by the capper (or the caps were defective), or you used way too little sugar, or you put the bottles somewhere too cool for the yeast to be happy so it fell asleep, or something added murdered your yeast. I can't think of any other reasons.

I assume you didn't use/add any potassium metabisulfite or the like before bottling? (that would murder your yeast, you should only use that for uncarbonated cider or wine).

Re: Bottling issue

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:30 am
by TwoBy
How would I tell of the caps were defective? They seemed to seal the beer into the bottle just fine.

As to the potassium.... safe to say I did not do this.

But very good chance I put it onto some place to cool or didn’t add enough sugar.

I placed the glass bottles into the same place I put the PEC bottles but as temps are cooling down maybe it just got to cool. I’ll have to put a thermostat in there to see.....

As an experiment I opened a few bottles added sugar and left them out on the shelf after recapping them. Idk.

Flavor is still good so I’ll drink them just not 100% happy with the product.

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Re: Bottling issue

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 7:19 am
by John Sand
I have suffered this problem. I found that on top of the hutch the temp was a couple of degrees warmer. Likewise near the furnace or the baseboard. If near a heat source, I boxed the bottles first, and rotated daily. For testing bottles for leaks, turn one upside down in a pint glass and leave it overnight. If no liquid comes out it is probably tight.