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Beer-Lord's Maharaja

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:45 pm
by BigPapaG
This is tonights dinner...

Beer-Lord's Maharaja with a side of T-Bone Steak, Fried Onions, Blue Cheese and Sauteed Red Potatoes...


There's not much I can say about the beer that has not been already said...

So let me tell you about the steak... Ok, the steak was pretty good...

But the beer... OMG!

Just... Just...Awesome!

Screw the steak, here's my review of the beer...

Hops... Really getting some citrus... And I can smell a malt backbone.

Clear, orange / amber color (bad light in the picture so it looks darker than it really is)... Strong white head that receeds in a few minutes only to remain on top for the duration of the glass. Looks great in a tulip glass!

Perfect! In every way it's perfect... That's all I can say...

Mmmm... (pause...)... Mmmm... Man, for it's size (8.4% ABV), it really is well balanced and very enjoyable!

Paul: Outstanding! This is one of the most drinkable high-abv IIPA's I have ever had the pleasure to taste! Bravo!

Thank You Sir!


Re: Beer-Lord's Maharaja

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:00 am
by Beer-lord
Why thank you kind sir. It was luck and a screw up since it was supposed too be a bigger, higher ABV beer but somehow, someway, it came out good. I'm pretty sure I can't do this again but I'm going to try in a few months just to see if I can.
I'm glad it lasted as when I bottled it, I was fearful it was going to lose too much.

And, I do love T-bone's!

Re: Beer-Lord's Maharaja

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:41 am
by BigPapaG
Well Paul, whatever you did, please try to replicate it!

And the picture does not do the beer justice (nor the T-Bone for that matter as it was perfectly pan seared and medium rare inside... Tender as all get out and a perfect pairing with your Maharaja!)
