Hope this question makes sense. Basically I was wondering if it is possible to to batch prime and leave the wort in there to carbonate for a couple weeks and then bottle? My reasoning for this is sometimes I just like to drink a beer straight from the bottle. Or if I have friends over watching a fight or something I could just give them a bottle. I still use mr beer sized batches but have a bucket I could batch prime for a couple weeks before I bottle and refrigerate. Would this get rid of the dead yeast in the bottom of bottles? I will move to kegging when I have the money/resources and a keezer or kegerator. Thanks guys
Re: Batch priming/carbonate, then bottle?
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:55 am
by RickBeer
Nope. You need to have the wort in something that is built to hold pressure, like a keg or a bottle. Homebrew in a bottle always has trub on the bottom.
Re: Batch priming/carbonate, then bottle?
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:15 am
by Gymrat
+1 to what Rick said. When the yeast goes to work it produces CO2. The idea is to give this CO2 no place to go, such as in a sealed bottle or keg, that forces it back into the beer. Face it, home brew needs to be drank from a glass.
Re: Batch priming/carbonate, then bottle?
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 12:08 pm
by Kealia
You want Sed-Ex caps if you want to drink from the bottle with no trub.
They are expensive but seem to work.
Video review
Re: Batch priming/carbonate, then bottle?
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 12:46 pm
by RickBeer
One other thing to note. Savoring good beer requires your senses of taste AND smell. That thing on your face that holds your glasses on is used for the smell part. Drinking from a bottle means that very little of the smell gets into that orifice (he said orifice), thereby reducing the ability to enjoy the smell of the brew. So, teach your friends the proper way to drink beer, in a glass, where they can savor the aroma of what you made. If they don't savor, give them some BMC or PBR and save the good stuff for yourself.
Re: Batch priming/carbonate, then bottle?
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:49 pm
by haerbob3
RickBeer wrote:That thing on your face that holds your glasses on is used for the smell part. Drinking from a bottle means that very little of the smell gets into that orifice (he said orifice), thereby reducing the ability to enjoy the smell of the brew.
Not smelling is a good thing for the big boys' swill they call beer. Honestly Rick!! Who in their right mind actually wants to drink and smell a Bud product YUCK!!!!