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How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:20 pm
by haerbob3
How many beers do you drink in a week?? As stated in another thread you can still have your beer and lose weight. Also stated was the fact that a lot of brewers only drink a sixer or less a week. Just thought this could be an interesting discussion. If you have lost weight please let us know how.

me 1 to 4 beers a week. Have lost 50 pounds since starting home brewing, Weight Watchers Next..............confession

Re: How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:25 pm
by Beer-lord
I don't have a set amount. But I do drink more during football season. :)
I have a few Wednesday nights when we have our little food/beer/music night. Then maybe one on Friday night and a few more Saturday and Sunday. I work out 4-5 days a week and even then, I think I'm likely 10 pounds from where I'd want to be. I really eat well during the week, don't eat sweets, eat yucky brown rice, wheat noodles, lots of fish and chicken and it's still not easy for me. But I'm only a bit heavier than I was in college, wear a size 33 waist so I guess I'm somewhat ok. But it's not easy by any stretch.

Congrats on your weight loss!!!!!

Re: How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:26 pm
by FrozenInTime
I've gone from 300lbs a few years back to ~240 now. I watch what I eat, walk LOTs more, work around the place, and drink on average 3 to 4 beers a week. I feel guilty drinking that much, still need to lose another 30 at-least, but no way I'm doing totally without brewskis.

Re: How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:41 pm
by monsteroyd
I drink every day. Doctors orders. I'm supposed to have 2 drinks a night, but I go way over. No I probably drink too much and home brew is way better than anything you can buy. Sigh.. I hate life, all the good stuff is bad for you.


Re: How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:52 pm
by DirtRacer
I average probably 1-12oz bottle a night and watch what I eat and am still losing weight. I'm not that active compared to most people so for me is has mostly been the change of diet which gave me weight loss, not that I was working out more or anything. Doesn't have to be a switch to light beer either since from what I have seen, most beers are better than sodas. Equal or less calories and usually much much less carbs. So if you're having soda swap it out with a beer, diet iced tea, water, or flavored water. I have completely given up soda which did help considerably. Next were other foods high in carbs like cookies, muffins, pasta, etc. I still eat these items, just less often and less of them when I do. If you've got a smart phone, iPad, iPod, etc. you can usually find dieting apps which you can enter your foods/drinks and any exercises and it will tell you carb, calories, protein intake for the day as well as how much you should be consuming in a day based on current weight and your goal weight.

Re: How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 4:24 pm
by FedoraDave
I drink two, maybe three beers a night, so that's between 14 and 21 beers a week. On average, I'd say probably 16 or so, since I've been doing Weight Watchers since November, and have to be mindful of these things.

I've lost around 50 pounds in those 10 months, and all the while drinking a couple of beers a night. It's not necessarily WHAT you eat, it's HOW MUCH. And weight loss, at its most basic, is merely eating fewer calories than you burn per day.

Re: How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:14 pm
by Brewbirds
If this is a weight loss thread I can't contribute since I weigh about 80 pounds fully wet.

We drink more beer during football (NFL) season but still that isn't more than 3 on a Sunday ("can't have a beer until X scores" is BB2's rule).

Otherwise I will drink a beer when I am doing a "beer chore" - bottling, bottle washing, brewing etc. but not one everyday of the week.

I know that is different from most but as a newbie on the old forum when I was preached about patience I might have turned a little bit hoarder as well so I try to keep a few bottles of previous batches on the shelf just so I don't have to say goodbye. :lol: :lol:

Re: How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:31 pm
by Gymrat
My weight fluctuates between 144 and 147 pounds so I am really not concerned about losing weight these days. I just don't eat as much as I did when I was powerlifting. My diet is typically very good. I mainly eat skinless chicken breast or fish for my meats. My breads are all whole grain. I eat a lot of salads and generally have fruit to cure my sweet cravings. All that being said I usually have 6 or 7 beers every Saturday and Sunday night while watching my movies.

Re: How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:33 pm
by haerbob3
That is the nice thing about WW you still can have sweets too. I eat at work the most which can be very dangerous. I am surround by great food all day!!

Re: How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:03 pm
by philm00x
Before I started brewing, I had maybe 2 or 3 per month. Now I'm more like 2 or 3 a week.

Re: How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:23 pm
by JimH
Generally around one a day. I usually have one with dinner. But not always. Tonight, for example, I have some errands to run with the wife when she gets home, so dinner won't be till later, so I probably will skip the beer. Sometimes on weekends I will have 2. Or, like this past Saturday, I helped a friend tear down an old shed. He pays in beer, so I had 4. 2 while tearing down the shed, and two while we had steak for dinner, and that was over an entire afternoon. It averages about 1.2 beers per day for me.
As for the weight loss, I was a little bigger a while back and my pants stopped fitting. I was 2 beers a night, and probably 4 on weekends. I cut back to about 1 a day and it helped. I also stopped eating so much "junk" food. I lost around 40 pounds in a year.

Re: How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:27 pm
by T8rSalad
Since homebrewing began in Jan 2012, I usually have two 16 ouncers or two half litres a night and have been able to maintain my svelte figure of 195-198 lbs. I know the calories are there so I cut back somewhere else as needed. I do need to lose about 20 lbs per doctors orders. He once told me that in order to keep my glycemic index in check that I needed to quit eating watermelon, quit eating potatoes and quit drinking beer...

I let him know my batting average was .667 and he is still trying to drag himself off the carpet. :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy: :give:

Re: How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:52 pm
by John Sand
I drink much more beer since starting homebrewing, but less rum. I'm retired, and drink a beer with lunch and two with dinner almost every day. I drink more at parties or watching football. So I'd say about a case a week.
As for weight, I'm more active since retiring, and I eat better. I'm thinnest in summer, this year I was 232, I'm probably closer to 240 now. The lightest I would want to be is 225, I'm 6'5", and have weighed over 205 since I was 20. I also practice portion control, and eat often during the day.

Re: How many????

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:57 pm
by docpd
I average 7 beers per week; 1 most days, sometimes 2, sometimes none. My weight is fairly stable at 175 and I exercise 4-5 days per week; cycling, running, elliptical trainer, free weights.

Prior to brewing I drank 2-3 per week. Since I brew 2 batches per month, I have a pipeline of about 7 cases of beer in the basement.

Re: How many????

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:31 am
by mashani
When I'm drinking my lower abv beers (patersbiers, british beers, my summer saisons, dry irish stouts) I drink between 740ML (about 2 beers) or 2 pints a day like a Brit.

If I *do not* drink that much I lose weight. That's why most of my beers are lower abv (3 to 4 %ish). I consider them "food" like low abv. beers were back in the middle ages.

But 5x a week I do one of these things - cycle 20-40 miles (once in a while 50 or a century), or run 5-10k, sometimes 20k, rarely a 40k, or swim 1-2 miles, and rarely a 5k open water swim. (I've swam from USA to Canada LOL, not really but from an island in the great lakes to Canadian water border line and back). The other 2 days I walk or mow the lawn or do whatever, or go hiking with my daughter and the dogs. I walk to the grocery store and lug the groceries back home a few times a week. I walk 1-3 miles a day with the dogs too if I'm not running or hiking with them (run 10k+ with dogs sometimes, with water breaks here and there). In the winter I'll cross country ski 5k to 40k a day if there is snow, sometimes with dogs. So I'm somewhat insanely active. My resting heart rate is around 50. My doctor about had a caniption when he had me do cardio stress tests because of how high they have to set the treadmill to get my HR up where they wanted it. When I explained why it was so low he called me crazy.

So, I'm lucky if I can maintain 140#. I look like an Olympic marathon runner. I'm really strong for a 140# dude, but still, I'm a 140# dude.

I do not find drinking that much detrimental to my training/athleticism, but that's simply because it's lower abv homebrew (nutrient dense for beer). If I drank that much 6% abv commercially filtered beer I'd feel like shit. That's why I don't do it for the most part.

Most of my "IPAs" I actually brew as APAs with some Munch malt to make it seem bigger and balance out the hop load instead of bring a bigger beer. It's rare that any of my "IPAs" as such are above the 5%ish ABV range.

I do brew a handful of batches of strong Belgians, but those are sipping beers with company. I don't drink 2 pints a day of that :)