February 17, 2013
And the Winner is…
Please help me congratulate K9Dude as the winner of the Brew Like A Demon Give Away! K9Dude will receive a BrewDemon
Signature Brewing Kit complete with everything needed to brew a batch of One Evil Pilsner!
There were several really good entries into the give away and it was not an easy decision to make, but the story that Steve shared and the community’s support of him really made his entry stand out from everyone else’s! I really hope this serves as the pick-me-up that you’re hoping for Steve and helps to get you back to brewing again!
You can read K9dude’s entry as well as some of the honorable mention entries from Beerlord, Beldar and JenniferT (These are a must read for a good chuckle) in the Brew Like A Demon Forum along with the all the other entries!
Thank you to everyone that entered the Give Away and for helping to support the BeerBorg Website!