The Beer Borg archive
Tag: recipes
January 4, 2013
Quick brew.
Ever been in a hurry to fill a 2.5 gallon keg? But not sure what to do? Well, it’s cold in this part of the world. And it won’t be long before your wanting to grab an nice amber to sip on. A while back, while at the local home brew store (LHBS), I was trying to figure out what to brew. I was doing a lot of Irish Stouts then, and if it was dark, I was into it. While looking at the options, I noticed a Munton’s 3.3 pound can of Hopped Amber Malt Extract. THAT got the […]
November 14, 2012
Complete BrewDemon Line Up
Wow, things are really heating up with BrewDemon! We have received exclusive information about their offerings. We still don’t have an availability date when these malts and kits will be available for purchase but the product line up indicates that it won’t be long now! Notice that both 2 gallon and 6 gallon kits will be available starting out which could prove to be a very attractive option for the Signature Series recipes as well as a hard cider offering! 2 GALLON CRAFT SERIES MALTS 1. Hellfire Deep Red Ale – (Bewitched Red Ale) 2. Dante’s Delight Weizenbier – (Whispering Wheat Weizenbier) […]
November 9, 2012
BrewDemon Coming This Month!
Well, according to BrewDemon’s website and FaceBook page “It’s time to release the Demon”! Yes that’s right they are actually “committing” to an actual time that they will be releasing product for people to purchase. Although we have all heard this story before. First it was “Coming this Summer”, that came and went! Then was “Coming Soon”, not soon enough, obviously! Then “Coming this Fall and now “Coming this Month” which is technically still fall! The point is that this might be just another missed deadline judging from what we have seen so far, however it’s not all BrewDemon’s fault! […]