Increasing alcohol content

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Increasing alcohol content

Post by Bowtiebrewer »

Hello all,

I have brewed a couple batches successfully with my brew demon kit now. it all turned out great i just want to know if there is a way to increase alcohol content when using the brewdemon recipes. Any thing helps!
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Re: Increasing alcohol content

Post by bpgreen »


If all you want ti sho is bump up there alcohol level, you can add plain sugar. It'll thin the beer and give it a cidery taste, so it's not the best thing to do.

You're better off adding some kind of malt. If you have a brew store nearby, you can probably buy some LME or DME. If not, you can buy online from a number of sources. But if you add more malt, it'll make the final result sweeter unless you do a hop boil to get some bitterness to offset the sweeteners of the added malt. There are programs available (some for free) that can help with recipe design.
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Re: Increasing alcohol content

Post by The_Professor »

There is unhopped malt extract for sale at Brew Demon.
Adding the appropriate color/flavor would make a higher alcohol beer. There is also a "brewing enhancer" which would increase the alcohol while keeping the body lighter.
Using 2 cans of the regular hopped extract is also an option. Doing that would increase any hop bitterness and flavor besides making it stronger.

Whenever you are feeling more adventurous you can check out extract kits with steeping grains and hop boil and make many different beers.
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