I have raised feeder pigs most of my life, I had them at my old barn/farm and my place just up the road where I have lived for close to 40 years. I started doing pigs again at my old farm a few years ago and some of the neighbours wanted in, we sold that place but with the deal we all will raise pigs together and it works out great. Like a co-op we keep track of the money spent, all do some of the work and when time to process all can get it done the way they want it. We have nine this year, we are all friends and beer drinkers and make a party on every step of the way.
Happy Hound Brewery
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”
― Thomas A. Edison
Beer-lord wrote:I'm not judging, just laughing! Water is cold too!
Just kidding with you.
I call it water beer, no malt, no hops and no taste, but not bad when it is cold and hot outside, I can't drink a light but a regular Busch is not bad if cold.
Happy Hound Brewery
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”
― Thomas A. Edison
Brandon from Yazoo will be on Beertrekker tonight for the “Every Beer Has a Story, Every Story Has a Beer” storytelling series for anyone interested... 8PM EST on @instagram Live to talk "about wild things, farmhouse ales, hot sauce, hot chicken, Taras Boulba and everything in between."