Who drinks most of their Homebrew ?
I see there’s a lotta beer being brewed on the "How much did you Brew in 2021"
I’d say I drink about 50% and friends drink the other half of my brew.
I was just curious about who’s consuming all the Suds
Homebrew will get you through times of no money
Better than money will get you through times of no homebrew
- apologies to the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
I used to be about 50% when I was bottling and still working and made a lot of different styles and put together mixer 6ers for guys at work. Now retired and keg, I am probably closer to 75% that I drink. BUT when my 4 wheeling neighbors all stop in at my basement lounge, can go though a lot of beer on tap in a hurry. A lot of us out here in the country and yes New York but farm country, have our own little mini bars in our garages, basements or barns and will stop at one or others.
Happy Hound Brewery
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”
― Thomas A. Edison
When I was brewing regularly somewhere around 50% went to other people.
At work there were a number of people that looked forward to trying my new brews knowing they would like some and not others.
At home, it was fun to take an American Rye to a family event and see everyone drink it rather than any commercial beer. Like 3 and more beers.