On the old Borg there was a thread where people posted their first pour from their latest batch of beer. I always enjoyed reading and seeing how others beer turned out, especially the first time brewers so I decided I would get it started!
So here goes!
This recipe was the BrewDemon American Prophecy Ale that I modified with 1lbs of Crystal 20L, 1 oz of Columbus Hops, and 1/2 oz of Fuggle hops. I used the Crystal 20L and the Brew Enhancer in one gallon of water so I could boil the Columbus hops for a hour and the fuggle for 15 minutes. Once the boil was over I added the American Prophecy HME and cooled the wort to pitching temp, added it to the conical fermenter and topped it off to the 8.5 quart mark and finally pitched the fromunda yeast. I then fermented for 2 weeks and popped the top on one at 3 weeks after bottling! (I know, I'm impatient!).
What I ended up with is what I call my Columbus Prophecy IPA! This brew is light in color with a bright white head and lacing on the glass stuck around long after the beer was gone. The first thing you notice when you smell it is the strong hoppy aroma from the columbus hops that really smacks you in the face, kind of fruity and spicy at the same time. Qbrew shows the IBUs at 120 so this has a strong bitter hop flavor that lingers in the back of your mouth/throat when you finish and a bitter sweet taste when it first hits your lips. The flavors are still a little hot/over powering but I think this will settle down with more conditioning time. Over all I really like how this turned out and I'm looking forward to trying it again in another week or so so see how it reacts to the longer conditioning. Also the ABV is only about 4.8% on this one so it's a good session IPA of sorts. If you like hops, lots of hops. you might want to give this one a try!
Worrying can spoil the taste of beer more then anything else! ~ Charles Papazian
Looks and sounds great! I would think that 1 oz of Columbus for 60 minutes in a 2 gallon brew would definitely kick up the IBU's.
And, hoppy ales are the next big thing.....you just don't know it yet.
PABs Brewing
Planning Brew good beer and live a hoppy life Fermenting
Smelly Hops
(split batch) A Many Stringed Bow Up Next
Men In Black
First pour of a young Wheatoberfest that Manowarfan1 and I collaborated on for the RCE. The Munich stands out, but the mouthfeel, the body, it reminds you that it's a wheat beer. I'm very happy with how this turned out. More of a deep amber than a coppery brown.
Nothing Conditioning
Nothing Drinking 58. Choco Brown 60. Etcitra, Etcitra 61. Bubs' Pale Wheat Xtra 62. Ottoberfest Brew Queue
ROAR! Bacon
Saint Sebastian Tripel
Bubs' Pale Ale
Here is the first pour of my MB Oktoberfest. As this is only my second batch, I was really happy with how well this turned out. Dark and malty, but very drinkable. And so I will make more beer!
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What is best in life?" "To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!"
First pour of a Belgian Dubbel ale: Double Highway, bottled on 10/12/13; ABV: 7.6%. This is one balanced tasty brew! All grain recipe with: Pale, Crystal 40L, Munich, Cane sugar & Chocolate malt. Tettnanger & US Saaz whole leaf hops, fermented with Wyeast 1214 Belgian Abbey yeast.
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Drinking: Columbus Double India Pale Ale Bottled/Conditioning: Trippel Fermenting: Columbus Double India Pale Ale, Trippel
Quite a while ago on the other forum, I posted a thread about my Belgian Golden Strong Ale. I've been slowly tasting these for a while now. It was bottled in the beginning of August. I'm officially moving it from the conditioning status to the drinking status.
It's quite fruity, I think most of that is coming from the Belgian Ardennes yeast I used. It's also just a touch flowery. It's got quite a bit of chill haze though, I'm a little surprised at that and am not sure why? I can also get a touch of alcoholness to it also, but at 9.5% ABV, I guess that's not too much of a surprise. But even with that, it's still quite smooth. Well, here's the official first pour:
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#93 - Gerst Amber Ale Conditioning and Carbing
Nothing Conditioning
Nothing Drinking 58. Choco Brown 60. Etcitra, Etcitra 61. Bubs' Pale Wheat Xtra 62. Ottoberfest Brew Queue
ROAR! Bacon
Saint Sebastian Tripel
Bubs' Pale Ale
Well here is my Bewitched amber pumpkin ale. I finally had to try one after three weeks conditioning. First of all, It was supper carbonated! When I opened the flip top, it was like a bottle of champagne. I am assuming it was from the extra pumpkin sugars. After a very slooow pour to control the head, it was dark but clear. Upon smelling and tasting, there is a very strong spice component, actually a bit much for my taste. I wish I had done a straight up Bewitched first so that I could compare this to it. After the initial spice flavor it finishes pretty dry with some bitterness. I wish I could taste more of the malt and other flavors underneath all that spice. I am hoping that the spice component will mellow a bit with further conditioning. Makes for a decent winter brew though I suppose.
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What is best in life?" "To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!"