Firestone Luponic Distortion

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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

Hmm, maybe we should move this conversation to PM since it just seems to be you and I interested in this! :D

I hope it's useful for others that can't get this beer locally in case they do come across it at some point.
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Inkleg »

Kealia wrote:Hmm, maybe we should move this conversation to PM since it just seems to be you and I interested in this! :D

I hope it's useful for others that can't get this beer locally in case they do come across it at some point.
Oh I'm sure I'll see it in the stores here next week. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You should see some Sours soon too.
They're in the mai.................. we'll..........they're somewhere 1Z8A99T20370875435 :p :lol: :(
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by natural320 »

I got 1 and 2 around here, but never saw 3 emerge :x which sucks because the description was solid! in fact, you can still get 2 around here...

I will be on the lookout for 4 myself, and that variety pack...that looks awesome, but I haven't seen it around here yet.
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

I picked up #004 last night and had to crack one open.

As always, it is a crystal clear pour, with a nice thin white head. The aroma gives off more of the tropical fruit that this series has been delivering on consistently, but with a hint of pine coming through as well. It's not the earthy-woody aroma that I would expect given the description on their site of a more "noble" hop variety, but more like Simcoe to me.

The taste is *similar* to others in the series in that it is tropical, but yet it's different in a way I can't quite explain. Maybe less citrusy....? In any case, it's a good easy drinker with plenty of flavor to be interesting. It's low on the bitterness but packed with flavor, much like a lot of Session IPAs I've had (although it's not a Session IPA).

There's no lingering bitterness on the tongue, just a desire to drink more. If I were ranking this against the others so far, I'd say it's better than #001 and #003 and right on par with #002 which I really liked. After I have another I'll see if I pick up anything else. As I've said 100 times before, I don't have the best palette for picking up flavors so I'm doing the best I can here to describe it.
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Whamolagan »

I am going hunting for it today
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Whamolagan »


Got this when I bought a lions share 12 pack. I now have 3 of them, and today I got the last one.
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

OK, that glass is wicked cool.
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

And......#5 is in my hands and in my belly!

This one is REALLY good. I'm running out of adjectives to describe these, but this one is either tied for the best one or the best one so far.
uponic Distortion Revolution No. 005 is driven by a mix of five different hop varieties, led by an emerging American cultivar that will have hop heads rejoicing. While Revolution No. 004 largely detoured to the Southern Hemisphere with a selection of South African hops, Revolution No. 005 returns to the homefront with an emphasis on an emerging hop grown in Washington’s Moxee Valley.
"This hop is loaded with tropical qualities like mango, pineapple and papaya, with less of that classic American grapefruit character,” says Brewmaster Matt Brynildson.

“Revolution No. 005 hearkens back to some of the earlier revolutions with a really assertive tropical fruit character, yet it has its own unique signature,” Matt says. “We threw folks a bit of a curveball with the more restrained hops in Revolution No. 004, and now we’re changing it up again. That’s the point of Luponic Distortion—to keep everyone, including ourselves, on their toes.”
I drank it last night and really enjoyed it, so I'll try to post again when I have another and see what I can pick out. I can tell you that it is low on the bitterness (again) and very fruit-forward in the flavor.
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

Kealia wrote:And......#5 is in my hands and in my belly!


This one is REALLY good. I'm running out of adjectives to describe these, but this one is either tied for the best one or the best one so far.
Luponic Distortion Revolution No. 005 is driven by a mix of five different hop varieties, led by an emerging American cultivar that will have hop heads rejoicing. While Revolution No. 004 largely detoured to the Southern Hemisphere with a selection of South African hops, Revolution No. 005 returns to the homefront with an emphasis on an emerging hop grown in Washington’s Moxee Valley.
"This hop is loaded with tropical qualities like mango, pineapple and papaya, with less of that classic American grapefruit character,” says Brewmaster Matt Brynildson.

“Revolution No. 005 hearkens back to some of the earlier revolutions with a really assertive tropical fruit character, yet it has its own unique signature,” Matt says. “We threw folks a bit of a curveball with the more restrained hops in Revolution No. 004, and now we’re changing it up again. That’s the point of Luponic Distortion—to keep everyone, including ourselves, on their toes.”
I drank it last night and really enjoyed it, so I'll try to post again when I have another and see what I can pick out. I can tell you that it is low on the bitterness (again) and very fruit-forward in the flavor.

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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by mashani »

What is the magic hop?
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

I don't know. They've been purposefully vague about the exact hops used.
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Whamolagan »

005 is my favorite so far. It is dangerously tasty. A six pack doesn't last long around me
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Whamolagan »

Wife brought home a 6er of 006. Pretty good stuff
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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

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Re: Firestone Luponic Distortion

Post by Kealia »

I had a bottle of #006 last night and will share my thoughts here.

First off, clear as always so it looks very inviting:

The aroma coming out of the glass is somewhat familiar citrus, but with other layers piled on. Looking up the details FW mentions 7 different hops used in this beer (although they don't name them). So yeah, citrus, but complex.

The taste is easy, pleasing and citrus forward, but with earthy - or maybe slightly dank - undertones. I was eating Chinese food last night so maybe that wasn't the best pairing option to really pick out the nuances - but it was good.

I'll update this when I have a second one and can pay a bit more attention to the details.
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