Maltsperiment results -- an update

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Maltsperiment results -- an update

Post by FedoraDave »

I've brewed about four different batches of the Maltsperiment so far. I'm keeping one bomber of each in reserve so that I can have comparative tastings in the future; sort of like flights. But here are my feelings on what I've tasted so far:

I haven't really noticed much difference, to be honest. And I'm perfectly willing to say it's the fault of my palate. Everyone's tasting ability is different, and maybe mine isn't as developed or sophisticated or sensitive, or however you'd like to put it. If so, that's just the way it is.

Not much difference, to me, between the 2-row and the Maris Otter. Or the Munich, for that matter. The Vienna seems a slight bit sweeter, lighter and has a more grainy aspect to it. But that's the only real difference I've noticed so far. I still have to brew the Pilsner, and I'm suspecting that may be very different, but we'll see. After that, I'll be brewing with Victory, and then I guess I'll put this particular experiment to rest.

I'm a little disappointed, frankly. I was hoping to have an eye-opening experience with this, especially since last year's Hopsperiment was quite a learning experience for me. But the differences in base grains may be too subtle, and, as I said, it may also be me. I'll continue to match base grains to style; for instance, when I brew my Ottertoberfest, I'll use Munich, and when I make my Trilby Brown Ale, I'll use Maris Otter, because of the regional origins of the styles. And maybe, in conjunction with the specialty grains and hops, the choice of the base may be more apparent.
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Re: Maltsperiment results -- an update

Post by mashani »

2 row vs. Maris Otter I get. It's subtle.

Munich vs. 2 row I do not, especially if you noticed Vienna vs. 2 row.

What kind of Munich was it?

Pils should seem different, but it's also subtle.
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Re: Maltsperiment results -- an update

Post by FedoraDave »

I couldn't tell you what kind of Munich, to be honest. I just walk into my LHBS and tell them I need X pounds of Munich, and they give me X pounds of Munich. I suspect Briess, but I can't say for sure.
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Re: Maltsperiment results -- an update

Post by mashani »

Your sure they gave you Munich? Was the beer at least richer in color? Munich to me tastes very different then regular 2-row, so I'm just confused how you noticed the Vienna but not the Munich.
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Re: Maltsperiment results -- an update

Post by BigPapaG »

mashani wrote:Your sure they gave you Munich? Was the beer at least richer in color? Munich to me tastes very different then regular 2-row, so I'm just confused how you noticed the Vienna but not the Munich.
I agree... Might have been a light munich though...

And there should have been a diff with the MO too... Not buch, but a little different from American 2-row...

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Re: Maltsperiment results -- an update

Post by John Sand »

Dave, did you let the samples warm up? What time of day did you taste? These things make a difference to me.
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Re: Maltsperiment results -- an update

Post by ScrewyBrewer »

I always order German Munich malt, I am planning to use it in a brown ale this weekend. For consistency I try to be specific when ordering grains, for instance Brown Malt [British] or 2-Row Malt [US], it eliminates a variable from the recipe, it is also helpful to know which maltster processed the grain.
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Re: Maltsperiment results -- an update

Post by FedoraDave »

Okay, I have to confess my error; I just haven't been paying strict enough attention. I have not tasted the Munich yet; it was only bottled two weeks ago. I try to keep up-to-date with my brewing schedule, but it doesn't always work out for me. My apologies.

There are also other potential variables that might be affecting the taste, such as the temperature while fermenting. The 2-row and Maris Otter were fermented in the early fall, when it was warmer in my basement, so there may be an influence there. The Vienna and Munich were later batches, when the temp was more in the low 60s downstairs.

I have set aside a bottle each of the 2-row and the Maris Otter. They're in my closet, at room temperature. I'll do the same with the Vienna today. When I get all of the batches done, and have a bottle of each conditioned at room temperature, I'll taste them all at the same time, under the most identical conditions I can manage.
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