I would like to brew a black lager in the mid 50's but hopefully not take longer than 3 weeks to ferment and lager (and maybe an extra week in the keg). I've got some ideas on a recipe but since I'm not a lager brewer and there are recipes all over the map, I thought I'd ask if any Borg has done any and if so, what was the recipe.BB22204 – S. arlingtonesis™
Availability: Limited
Source: Isolated from wild yeast starter jar in Arlington, VA using Bootleg Biology’s Capture Method #1.
S. arlingtonesis™ is our flagship Local Yeast Project™ strain. The very first culture added to our bank, and a WILD-sourced Lager strain!
This culture ferments extremely clean in the 50’sF (lagers) & 60’sF (Kolsch and Lager hybrids), and has subtle fruity/citrus esters in the higher end of the Ale fermentation range (wheat-centric beers). May produce sulfur aromas during primary fermentation, but those will be eliminated within a couple weeks (allow longer aging if fermenting at lower temperatures). S. arlingtonesis is a higher attenuator than most ale strains, so adjustments made need to be made to grain bills or mash temperatures if a drier beer is not preferred.
I'm thinking on keeping the hops somewhat IPA like using Amarillo, Columbus and Chinook and maybe something else for the dry hop (don't want to buy hops as I have tons). My thoughts are something similar to this:
8 lbs Pale 2-row
3 lbs Pilsner 2-row
1 lb Munich Light
1 lb Vienna
8 oz. Crystal 80
6 oz. Chocolate Malt
6 oz. Carafa III
IBU's 70 ish??????
So, I need Borg help please.